Monday, September 30, 2019
Reasons for Devotion to Hindu Goddesses
Reasons for devotion to Hindu goddesses Hinduism portrays feminine divinity in a more exalted way than most other religions do. Though Hindu goddesses are usually depicted as consorts, wives or companions to a Hindu god, cases exist in which they are worshipped independently; Tantrism for example, where it is believed that women posses more spiritual power than men, thus men can achieve divinity through union with a woman (â€Å"Tantrism†).Most villages reinforce the mother aspect of goddesses and worship them individually as their protector, regarding them as having originated in the area and thus being tied to the health and prosperity of the village (Caldwell). Others who may devote themselves to a goddess might be in order to conquer or flourish in a particular area, like how someone who wishes to achieve higher wisdom would praise Sarasvati, goddess associated with learning. Many scholars question the origins of goddess worship, and it is argued that they most probably em erged in the Indus Valley civilization (2500-1500 B. C.E). The civilization, relying mainly on agriculture, likely worshipped female earth deities that represented fertility, regeneration, life and death, to aid in their harvests (Erndl 19). Scenes depicted in their seals also pointed to the fact that the Indus Valley people were perhaps â€Å"goddess-revering†(McDermott 3608). Some people have raised the point of feminism as a notion of commitment to a Hindu goddess, as goddesses that appear strong and independent exist in Hinduism, which is virtually unseen in other prominent religions. A popular question is then raised, â€Å"Is the Goddess a Feminist? Rita Gross acknowledges the difficulty of a concrete answer to the question, and responds with an ‘It depends’. She proposes that the answer lies in the definition of feminist that the person might have, and how the Goddess’s devotees are. The idea is simple enough; if the believer is feminist, then the y will worship their goddess as if they were feminist as well. If the believer is not feminist, then they will worship their goddess as if they were not feminist. She states that â€Å". . . gods and goddesses are created by devotees . . . †(104).Gross’s statement rings true, especially when we examine much of the confusion shrouding Kali. Kali is almost always depicted as having black skin, a near naked body, long, disheveled hair and a long, lolling tongue. She wears ghastly adornments like a necklace made from human heads, and her fangs are long and usually dripping with blood. Her illustrations are mainly intimidating, making her appear wild and uncontrollable nearly perpetually. She is, however, a popular deity to worship in Tantrism, and is revered as the highest deity, above Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.Millions regard her as Mother, and aspire to overcome the fear of death through confrontation. Kali’s origins are believed to have their roots in South Asia, where she was apparently worshipped through rituals and blood sacrifices. O’Flaherty distinguishes a figure, a demoness, in early Sanskrit literature called Long-Tongue, who he points to conceivably being a more ancient form of Kali. The first time the name Kali appears in texts is in Mundaka Upanisad, however, not as a goddess but as a tonguelike flame of sacrificial fire.The first mention of a goddess with the same name is in the Mahabharata, who appears in the dreams of warriors to give them a warning of death. However, it is through her later appearances in the Devimahatmya that Kali is brought closer into Hindu religion (Kripal 156). She is said to have sprouted when Durga, angered by the asuras who pointed their weapons at her, turned into an inky black color on her forehead and summons Kali. Kali then proceeds to kill all the asuras in a frenzied manner, later offering the heads of their leaders Chanda and Munda to Durga.Her second appearance is in the follow chapter, where she battles Raktabija, and assures success by sucking all of his blood so he could not reproduce anymore, per Durga’s command, while she slayed him (â€Å"Devimahatmya†ch. 7-8). Another myth ties Kali with Parvati, telling of an army of demons that threatens the safety of the world. Men cannot slay them, and so Shiva calls for his wife to aid them in battle. Parvati accepts the responsibility, swallowing the poison stored in Shiva’s throat and morphing into Kali.However, she becomes too drunk with the poison and, after defeating all the demons, threatens to destroy the world herself with her berserk dance. In an attempt to subdue his wife, Shiva then lays on the floor in front of Kali, who in her delirious state does not notice his presence and steps on him. Shamed that she had showed such disgraceful behavior, she bites her tongue in humiliation. The last scene of the above tale is illustrated in a lot of imagery, and while the tale itself has a lot of variations, many Hindus will arrive at the same resolution.It is in this perception that many contradictions lie. Another question rises, â€Å"What does Kali’s tongue-biting really mean? †Most Hindus will claim that it is to show shame, which is what the action means in Bengali culture, however the meaning behind the action might seem unlikely since Kali, who was previously interpreted as always being wild and threatening, that is, sporting qualities that an ‘ideal wife’ should not posses, was suddenly showing a submissive nature, ashamed of having disrespected her husband.From a Tantric view, Kali is mentioned to be standing on Shiva because she is engaging in reversed sexual intercourse with him, and â€Å"delighting in the waves of passion and arousal that flow from such an act. †It is evident that the feeling shame is rather unreasonable given the situation mentioned. Furthermore, a reading from Mishra of the Tantric reading suggests that, as Kali dances around madly, Shiva sleeps on the floor in front of her in an attempt to calm her and, In her blinded anger she did not see him and stepped on his chest.At that moment Siva’s penis became erect and entered Kali. At that instant Kali recognized her husband and pulled out her tongue in ecstasy and her anger disappeared. (Kripal 161) The above poses a wholly different view on the widely-known myth, and while it might not surely accept or reject any view, it inspires doubt on the real occurrence of the tale. Having explained the confusion around Kali’s popular myth and notorious tongue, a common misconception is brought to light which may or may not be the product of ‘believers believing what they want to believe’.Hinduism, having being shaped by a patriarchal society, might have sparked the want to dilute the image of the powerful and popular goddess Kali into one more acceptable for its community. An additional myth, telling of how Shiva defeats Kali in a dance match and succeeds in subduing her, resulting in her being more docile and calmer, doesn’t add up to the rest of the story around them as Kali is more often than not depicted as a wife that constantly provokes and encourages disruptive behavior from her husband (Kinsley 122).However, bringing up another point by Gross, she mentions, But, in the long run, if the goddesses’ devotees are feminists, then the goddesses will either come to be seen as feminists or will be abandoned by their feminist devotees. (104) It is plausible to arrive to the conclusion from the above stated that, if the religion a person follows does not satisfy or reflect their personal beliefs as well, they will abandon it; it is common sense.It should be mentioned as well that Hinduism is, rather than a single religion, a family of religions that are closely related to each other. Therefore, it should be plausible to assume that perhaps, the previously mentioned contradictory myths m ight be a result of this; that is, an effort to try to infuse one’s own beliefs into their religion to make it more acceptable to themselves. Looking and inspecting the gaps and problems in the religion can tell a lot about its believers’ culture and thinking.Having covered Kali’s disorder of facts, one can infer that Hindus probably place great importance in correct conduct of their wives, and the goddesses in their religion serve as a model for Hindu women to follow if they wish to be wed. Examples such as Parvati and Sarasvati can be mentioned, both portrayed as ideal, submissive wives to their partners, serving as counterbalances. Hindu gods and goddesses are sometimes portrayed as equals, and rather than husband and wife, they are shown to be male and female counterparts of the same being.The goddesses are by no means weak and disrespected; they are strong and revered, but their personalities inspire different, subtle ideas into their people. However, the i dea of whether or not something is ‘correct’ or ‘erroneous’ is highly subjective, and while Western feminists might argue on the essentials that a woman must possess in order to be well off, it is not the same for Hindu women who are the target of the religion, and for them the Hindu goddesses provide them a positive model to follow, and with it, psychological comfort which is important (Gross 106).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Allusion in Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare uses allusion in the play Romeo and Juliet to reinforce the themes of young love and youth being impetuous. Throughout the play Shakespeare uses allusion to reinforce these themes by putting in myths that have tragic ends much like the end of the play. One myth that Shakespeare uses in the play many times is Cupid and Psyche. Cupid is the Roman god of love. The myth of Cupid is that there was a king that had three daughters and each of them was beautiful but not as much of the youngest Psyche.She was so beautiful that she left the altars of Venus, Cupid’s mother, deserted. Venus then sent out Cupid to punish Psyche for distracting all the men from her and make her fall in love with a hideous man. Instead, when Cupid sees Psyche he shoots himself with the arrow and falls in love with her. Psyche is never allowed to see Cupid but they marry. One day her sisters told Psyche that Cupid was actually a serpent and tells her to sneak a look. When she does this she realize s that Cupid is actually beautiful and Cupid leaves and says he will never see her again.After this Psyche begs for Venus to let her see Cupid again and Venus makes her do almost impossible tasks but succeeds them. After this Cupid asks Zeus to give her immortality so she will not distract mortal men from Venus. The mythical reference of Cupid and psyche refers to love at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. Cupid has the power to make anyone hit with his arrow to love the next person they see. Romeo and Juliet feel that they were both pierced by Cupid’s arrow when they met. This allusion refers to the theme, love at first sight.This theme is seen in the book as a very powerful theme because over the course of a week Romeo and Juliet create an immense love for each other that cannot be matched. That is how this allusion drives the theme of the play. Another myth that Shakespeare uses in the play is that of Phoebus and Phaeton. The myth of Phoebus and Phaeton is that a young boy who was the son of Phoebus thought he could do anything and was very impatient. One day the children at his school made fun of him and told him he couldn’t do everything.He went home to his mother and asked if he could do everything and she said yes because he was the son of the sun god Phoebus. She then told Phaeton to go ask Phoebus if he could do everything. He went to him and asked if he could do everything. Phoebus then promised him to let him do anything he wanted to try. Phaeton said he wanted to drive the chariot of the sun for one day. Phoebus then tries to get Phaeton to try something else but he refuses. He then goes on to say he will drive the chariot.Immediately after getting into the chariot Phaeton loses control of the horses because they knew it was not their master and did what they pleased. After a while of the horses wreaking havoc on the earth, Zeus struck down Phaeton and killed him and the horses immediately stopped. The allusion to Phaeton and Phoeb us helps drive the theme that youth is impetuous. The reason why this allusion supports one of the themes of the book is because in the play Romeo and Juliet both never thought about what they were about to go through with and how it might affect their lives.In the myth Phaeton never realizes that his father may be right in not letting him ride the chariot because it is extremely dangerous to someone with no experience. All of the characters in the story that were impetuous had early demises because of there impulsivity and having no regard of the repercussions of what may happen to them. Impetuousness also led to the demise of Tybalt and Mercutio in the play by them not thinking of the dangers if they fought. Those are the reasons why the allusion drives the theme of the play.Another allusion that Shakespeare uses in the play is the myth of Echo and Narcissus. The myth of Echo is that she is a nymph who loves to talk and is always talking and always has to get the last word in. One day Hera casts a spell on her so that she can only get the last word and says exactly what the person said and can never be the first. In one myth Echo meets Narcissus whom she falls in love with at first sight. Narcissus has a spell on him in which he cannot love anyone but himself. Echo tries to make contact with him but only annoys him because she repeats everything he says.When one of the nymphs prays to the avenging goddess to let Narcissus feel what it’s like to have affection but not have it returned. When he goes to drink water he sees his reflection and never leaves it because it is too beautiful. After gazing at it for a long time he dies. After he dies Echo goes into a cave until she dies. The allusion to Echo and Narcissus drive the theme of love at first sight. The reason why that theme is supported by the myth is because as soon as Echo saw Narcissus she loved him. If Narcissus wasn’t so in love with himself he may have loved her back.But in the end Echo and Narcissus both died for a love that wouldn’t happen and was cursed from the start. In Romeo and Juliet this is seen because Romeo and Juliet both loved each other but there love was forsaken because of there different families and flaws in there personalities. Juliet also says that if Romeo does not want to have her love then she will go into a cave and die there as Echo did. Another allusion that Shakespeare uses in the play is the one of Aurora, the goddess of dawn. The myth of Aurora is that she falls in love with the son of the king of Troy.She asks Zeus to grant him physical immortality in which he would live forever but he would still age. After he had lived far passed that of a normal mortal should have he lost the power to use his limbs. After he became extremely weak Aurora turned him into a grasshopper. The myth of Aurora helps drive the theme of love at first sight because she fell in love with Tithonus and always loved him even when he was a grasshopper and a n old man. In the play Romeo did not get out of bed because Rosaline had rejected him and he didn’t want to leave his room and he tried to create night in the daytime because he was depressed.After he met Juliet Romeo became extremely happy and this shows the theme of youth being impetuous also because he got over Rosaline so quickly. That is how the allusion helps drive the themes from the book. Once last allusion that Shakespeare in the play is the myth of Hermes. The myth of Hermes is about a messenger who was born by Jupiter and a mortal woman. He goes on to steal cattle from the sun god Apollo very sneakily. Apollo tells Zeus about this and then Hermes has to give them back. Apollo later goes on to forgive him and Hermes makes a lyre for him.After he grows up he is assigned to lead dead souls into the underworld. He was also promoted to watch Apollo’s herds when he was younger. This allusion supports the theme youth is impetuous because in the play to show that Ro meo wants to get the message to Juliet fast that he wants her love. Hermes the winged messenger could do it and get the message to Juliet faster than anyone. Romeo also uses it as a way to show that Hermes is delivering a message to him from heaven that he should be with Juliet. Those are the allusions that help drive the theme of the play.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Online Restaurant Promotions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Online Restaurant Promotions - Case Study Example offered discounts on gift certificates. Consumers could use these gift certificates at more than 9,500 participating restaurants. These certificates were available in variety of denominations and were distributed individually. had a simple, fast and free sign-up program for restaurants willing to participate in the system. Rewards Network offered incentives to customers if they dined at any of the company’s 9,542 affiliated restaurants. These incentives were given by way of reward points which were credited to customer’s credit cards. Rewards Network also allowed cash refunds and offered bonuses on the first dine. Regular users got VIP bonuses from the company. Open table offered round-the-clock reservation services for participating restaurants. The service was thus a substitute for telephonic reservations made by the consumers. Open Table created a database of the consumers which could be effectively used by the restaurants in their advertising campaigns. The internet provides numerous opportunities with respect to restaurant promotions. The restaurants can have their own websites as well as place their advertisements on other websites. The restaurants can have their own page that details the location, menu and reviews of customers on websites like CitySearch. The internet can be used to send e-mails to current and prospective customers. Restaurants can also attract more customers with the help of online affiliate
Friday, September 27, 2019
A Letter From Eight White Clergymen and Letter from M. L. King, Jr Essay
A Letter From Eight White Clergymen and Letter from M. L. King, Jr - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the exigence defines what prompted the authors to write the letters in the first place. For A Call for Unity written by the eight white clergymen, the exigence was the series of demonstrations held by Negro citizens that were allegedly led and directed by outsiders. In the case of King’s letter, the exigence was the need to respond to the clergymen’s contentions that as the outsider being mentioned, his actions were deemed unwise and untimely. This paper illustrates that the audiences were supposedly the local community and readers of the Birmingham, Alabama newspaper since the first letter were sent to its editor. However, one could surmise that the letter was, in fact, directed to King, as the noted leader of the civil rights movement, in behalf of the Negro community. King’s letter was directed to the clergymen, as most of his arguments addressed the clergymen’s position. The researcher states that the mo st obvious constraint was on the part of King who was incarcerated in the Birmingham jail during the time that he responded to the clergymen’s allegations. On the part of the clergymen’s letter, the constraints are their maintaining a conservative stance to use the most appropriate language so as not to project any biases to both white and Negro citizenry. The basic issue presented by the clergymen was the appeal for law, order and common sense in addressing the dilemma on racism. The basis position was for any resentment on alleged discriminations and racial slur should be filed in the proper court of law where legal proceedings and verdict should be respected and accepted. The clergymen contended that the series of demonstrations by Negro citizens were actually led and directed by outsiders, whose actions were deemed unwise and untimely. Finally, the letter highlighted the call for restraint, â€Å"for law enforcement officials to remain calm and to continue to prot ect our city from violence†(Carpenter, et al. 182). On the other hand, King’s basic issued focused on responding to the clergymen’s assertion that his leading the Negro citizens into demonstrations were unwise and untimely. King addressed this argument by initially proving that he was not an outsider; but that he was invited to address the injustices in Birmingham. Further, his letter addressed the clergymen’s position regarding his unwise action towards demonstration; revealed that action was necessary because promises by merchants were broken and that the need for direct-action versus negotiation was favored due to the community’s stance of refusal to negotiate. In terms of responding to the untimely issues, King expounded on concerns such as: the new administration must be prodded and that the Negro citizens have already waited for 340 years (King 186). Analysis The letter of the clergymen was more direct and concise containing only seven paragr aphs. King’s response was comprehensively detailed and lengthy encompassing 50 paragraphs and 14 pages. King was clear in addressing the issues of the clergymen indicating his actions as the leader of the demonstrations as unwise and untimely. He warrants that the non-violent actions were the most appropriate means to address the racial discrimination in Birmingham and their actions could not be considered unwise because a rational four step process was applied: â€Å"collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action†(King 184). The issue of untimeliness was responded to by King as he emphasized the need to prod the new administration to create some tension and lead them to act. Further, he argued that the Negro citizens have waited for too long for more than 340 years and could therefore not be considered that no time was spent to reflect and think of the course of action. King warrants that the present l aws were actually unjust
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Obesity - Essay Example n Food Standards Agency and DOH, 2004) Roughly 65% and 50% men and women are overweight and have the tendency to be obese in case their weight gain remains uncontrolled. Considering that obesity could cause a person to deal with social adjustment disorders or social discrimination (Pearce et al., 2002) aside from a long list of serious health concerns related to heart diseases, diabetes and the different types of cancer (WHO, 2003, 2005a), the need to determine the impact of promoting organic foods on the high levels of obesity arises. For the purpose of this study, the researcher will conduct an extensive literature review on the general facts about obesity, the major causes of obesity, the negative consequences of obesity in terms of one’s health, social being, and economic losses. Eventually, the researcher will determine the status of promoting organic foods in UK followed by the benefits of organic food production to our health, environment, and our society in terms of analyzing the economic and social impact of promoting organic foods in the case of the high incidence of obesity in UK. Eventually, the researcher will discuss the literature review in line with the business opportunity that is present in relation to organic food production. Obesity is defined as â€Å"an excess of body fat that frequently lead to a significant impairment over a person’s health and longevity.†(House of Commons Health Committee, 2004) Based on the federal guidelines (Berg, 2003; NHLBI, 1998), a normal weight is computed using the Body Mass Index (BMI) wherein the normal range for an adult should be between 18.5 to less than 25 (BMI 18.5 to 25 kg/m2). BMI measurement between the ranges of 25 to less than 30 (BMI 25 to 30 kg/m2) is considered overweight and BMI measurement that exceeds 30 (BMI ≠¥ 30 kg/m2) is considered obese. In general, medical practitioners are using the formula â€Å"weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared multiplied by 703 or weight in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Research and prepare a report about how the application of Essay
Research and prepare a report about how the application of gravitational concepts has helped astronomers - Essay Example and even how to calculate the mass of the sun without travelling to them but through application of gravitational laws (Topper, 2012).They have discovered gravitation lensing and even determined the mass of galaxies. More to this is the discovery of Massive Compact Hallo Objects (MACHOs), primarily recognized as brown dwarf stars while some are regarded as black holes (Kyle, 2010). These and others are examples of discoveries that the astronomers have aided by the application of the gravitational concepts. Through gravitational concepts, astronomers have been able to discover the cosmic microwaves whereby in 2002, a team led by Dr. Kovac discovered the polarization of these microwave radiations (Kyle, 2010). Gravitational waves that are produced as a result of moving masses like those of stars or black holes normally described as ‘ripples in space-time’ have been discovered by the astronomers by the use of interferometers which detects these slight changes in space-time (Topper, 2012). Understanding the gravitational waves has helped the astronomers in explaining certain events such as the birth of black holes and the death of stars. They can therefore be able to tell how the universe began as well as what the future holds for us. This has been aided by application of gravitation concepts by astronomers (Longair, 1986) Gravitation lensing is another thing that astronomers have discovered as a result of understanding the gravitational concepts. This is bending of the light rays by a mass object extending far in the sky, which causes these light rays to be focused somewhere else through its gravitational field (Morison, 2008). According to the research done, the greater the quantity of the body, the sturdier the gravitational field created and thus the greater the bending of these light rays will be. Lensing has been useful in verifying the existence of dark matter which is the determinant of how clusters and galaxies form and develop. Astronomers have
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Consider Criminal Liability Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Consider Criminal Liability - Case Study Example Similarly in the case of Jane, under s3 Theft Act 1968, she innocently or intentionally is keeping the money with her, however in the case of candles which Jane borrows refers to the s2 (1) (b) where Jane is not considered under Theft Act s 3 as she has borrowed them and is in intention to gave them back. (Harvey et al, 1998, p. 43) But then she uses the candles which comes under the case of an offence under the Theft Act 1968, where the property in question is recovered, any damage to the property occurring while it was out of the owner's possession shall be treated for the purposes of subsection (1) as having resulted from the offence, however and by whomsoever the damage was caused. This is similar to the case Jackson v. Horizon [1975]2 It is now possible to commit the crime of false pretences in many jurisdictions by borrowing money with the intent not to repay it. Receipt of the money satisfies the element of acquiring title. Though the borrower falsely promises to repay the loan, he engages in no deception about the external world that is subject to proof at the time of his act. His deception, if any, is about his plans for the future, and the best evidence of that is what he does when the debt falls due. Though the crime is technically committed at the time the loan is received, the critical evidence of liability is furnished by his failure to repay at some future time. (Fletcher, 2000, p. 11) Although the result of Jackson's case is sensible and probably correct, Lord Denning's reasoning has since been disapproved in the House of Lords in Woodar Investment Development Ltd v Wimpey Construction UK Ltd [1980] 1 All ER 571, [1980] 1 WLR 277, HL. As a rule of Law, Lush LJ as an insurance broker may sue on a contract which is made by him on behalf of the principal provided the contract gives him such a right and is no authority for the proposition required in Jackson's case 3. However if a person X made a contract for a sum of money to be paid to Y, X can, without notifying the loss he has suffered can sue for damages for non-payment of that sum which would certainly not be an established rule of law, nor was it quoted as such authority by Lord Pearce in Beswick v Beswick4. A similar view was expressed by Lord Russell. Whether the disapproval will make any difference in practice to the quantum of damages awarded in family holiday cases is unclear. A sympathetic judge might choose to place more emphasis on the distress of the contracting party in witnessing the family suffering. (Harvey et al, 1998, p. 44) Jane situation is critical as she receives 70.00 instead of 50.00. Under this situation the law states a person who receives a gift has no right of redress against the donor merely because the gift is of unmerchantable quality or does not correspond with the donor's description of it. The person receiving the gift may have a remedy in tort if the gift causes injury or damage which is attributable to negligence on the donor's part. But that is another matter: he has no remedy in contract against the donor for the simple reason that there is no contract between them. To the extent that the offer of worthless goods, without charge, as part of a sales promotion, is against the public
Monday, September 23, 2019
Business Law For Example Coca-Cola Research Paper
Business Law For Example Coca-Cola - Research Paper Example Further, through this report, it is clear that the company has the duty to ensure strict observance of the different laws to reduce the harm that any come as result of non-compliance. Given the sensitive nature of the business that the company (Coca-cola) engages in, it is important to ensure that the company abides by laws intellectual property. Given that Coca-Cola deals with secrets that must be protected. The advantage of this to the company is that they can protect their original ideas so that the inventions and innovations of the company. By listing their innovations and making use intellectual laws that protect their works. The essence of these laws is that they will encourage creativity in the company. Through these sought of these laws ensure that technologies are protected and that individuals who work to bring new ideas are encouraged to bring new innovations. The encouragement makes those involved in the innovation and secrets to enjoying the benefits of their hard earned labor. In this regard, the company should protect intellectual property through copyrights, patents, and trademarks (Edmonds, 2013). Through copyrights, the company is capable of protecting the expressive arts such as the shape of the bottles of soda. That would prevent any other person or organization from using or displaying such materials to the public. Patents, on the other hand, would protect the inventions of the company from being used by any other company. For example, Coca-Cola ingredients are protected and that make them exclusive to the company. On the same note, the company can make use of trademarks to protect the name of the company from being used in any other place in the world. This also applies to products made by the company.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Ponzi Scheme of Bernard Madoff Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ponzi Scheme of Bernard Madoff - Case Study Example The SEC embarked on an investigation in 2006 but concluded it in 2007 based on the finding that there were no proofs of fraud found. Nevertheless, Madoff was arrested on December 2008 and on March 2009 he officially confessed taking part in various crimes. He was sentenced to a 150-year imprisonment. The ethical issues in the Madoff case obviously concern fraud, defined as â€Å"any purposeful communication that deceives, manipulates, or conceals facts in order to create a false impression.†Apparently, Madoff offered false hopes to potential investors and gave fabricated investment reports or financial statements. He encouraged large investors to put money in his investment machine by using his established image as a reliable, esteemed, and successful businessman. Madoff is, particularly, guilty of consumer fraud, marketing fraud, and accounting fraud. He deceived potential investors for personal gain or, according to the investigators, to sustain the lavish lifestyle of his family, which is suggestive of consumer fraud. He committed marketing fraud by exaggerating possible returns on investment, which can also be called ‘puffery’, or implied falsity since he told potential investors that his investment machine will generate a steady source of profit but in fact, the returns come from the money of new investors which was risky. Lastly, he committed an accounting fraud by manipulating the financial statements of his company to avoid any detection of his wrongdoings. Madoff implicated educational, nonprofit, and charitable organizations by giving a contribution to them. Several of these organizations put money into the company of Madoff as a return of favor. His fraud forced a number of these organizations to shut down. The scandal also negatively influenced the public’s perception of investment companies.Â
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Laboratory Report Essay Example for Free
Laboratory Report Essay The object of this experiment is to measure the effect of the concentration of the enzyme, amylase, on the rate of degradation of the starch and the effect of the chloride ion concentration in the solvent on enzyme activity. Also, the other object is to discuss the comparison between starch and cellulose digestion. Introduction: Starch is a polysaccharide and it is the major storage carbohydrate in plants where it is found in the plastids. It is made up of two types of polymers. One is amylose, the smaller linear and helical polymer, made up of many glucose molecules joined by ? 1 4 glycosidic bonds. The other larger polymer is amylopectin. It has a branched structure with many ? 1 4 glycosidic bonds between glucose molecules and ? 1 6 glycosidic bonds at branch points. Pure starch is in the form of a white powder which is tasteless and has no odor. It is insoluble in cold water. (Brown, W. H. Poon, T, 2005) Cellulose is another polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plants. It is made up of hundreds of linear chains of glucose molecules linked by ? 1 4 glycosidic bonds. Cellulose is a straight chain structure because the ? 1 4 linkage causes the glucose molecule to rotate 180 degrees. The many chains of cellulose are packed closely together by the hydrogen bonds existing between the hydroxyl groups of glucose molecules. These bonds contribute to the strength of the molecule. Cellulose is also odorless and tasteless and is insoluble in water (Young, Raymond ,1986). Starch is a major component of the human diet. For the digestion of starch, the enzyme amylase is needed which is present in the saliva and is also present in pancreatic secretions. This amylase breaks down starch into maltose, glucose, and limit dextrin. This enzyme works at an optimum pH of 6. 7-7. 0. Like for other enzymes, the greater the concentration of amylase present, the faster the digestion of starch would be. Also, chloride ions are coenzymes for this reaction and act as the allosteric activators of this enzyme. This means that the digestion of starch by amylase will only work in the presence of chloride ions (Thomas J. A. , Spradlin J. E. , Dygert S,1971). This experiment shows how the digestion of starch is carried out in the digestive tract by amylase and the conditions that are required for this reaction to take place. Method: to be inserted by the Results: a) This is a graph of the amount of the enzyme amylase in ml against the rate of reaction, taken as the reciprocal of the reaction time. Here, a linear relationship is seen and as the amount of the enzyme increases, so does the rate of the reaction. b) This is a graph of the chloride ion concentration in ? mol/tube against the rate of the reaction, taken as the reciprocal of the reaction time. This shows that as the concentration of chloride ions present increases, the rate of the reaction also increases. c) The ratio of the rates of digestion of these polysaccharides by salivary enzymes to bacterial enzymes can be approximately 10:1. This is because of the differences in the structures of starch and cellulose. Starch has just simple covalent bonds in its structure while cellulose has covalent as well as the stronger hydrogen bonds present to stabilize it. This is why it takes a longer time for bacterial enzymes to degrade cellulose compared to the time required to degrade starch. Discussion: The relationship that should exist between the rate of a reaction and the concentration of an enzyme should be a linear relation. This means that as the concentration of the enzyme increases, more active sites are present for the reaction to take place on, and so the overall reaction proceeds at a faster rate. The graph that we obtained from this experiment justifies this hypothesis because in it, there is a similar linear relation between the concentration of amylase and the rate of the reaction. After comparing the graph I obtained with two other students I realized that the enzyme that I used for my experiment was less active than the enzymes others used. It can be seen that when using the same amount of enzyme as the other students, the rate of my reaction is comparatively slower. For example, when using 5ml of enzyme solution of the same concentration, my reaction rate was around 0. 25 and others got a rate of around 0. 6 or more. That is greater than two times the difference in reaction rates. However, an error could have occurred if some of the enzymes supplied for the reaction were already denatured. In my graph of chloride concentration against the reaction rate, the shape of the curve is somewhat like this. In the beginning there is a great increase in the rate of reaction for a small increase in chloride concentration. However, as the concentration is further increased, the rate does not increase as much and the curve later flattens out. This means that a Vmax is reached and no matter how much the concentration is increased, there will be no more increase in the rate (Thomas J. A. , Spradlin J. E. , Dygert S,1971). This is because all the binding sites on the enzyme for chloride ions get occupied and addition of more chloride ions will have no effect. For example, in my graph, there is a greater difference in the rate of reaction between the initial change in concentration from 0 to 0. 2 ml than between the change in concentration between 1 and 2 ml. The digestion of starch takes place in the presence of oxygen while the digestion of cellulose is an anaerobic process carried out by bacteria in the stomach of ruminants. Also, ruminants have to regurgitate their food back into the mouth to chew and break down the cellulose further. However, breakdown of starch is not that complex and can be done just once in the mouth. Due to the anaerobic degradation of cellulose, methane gas is produced in these ruminants (Van Soest, Peter J,1994). There is no methane gas produced by animals feeding on starch. Also, the activity levels of animals feeding on starch is greater because the digestion process requires a shorter time, while in ruminants, the digestion takes a long time. Conclusion: Therefore, the rate of the reaction is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration and also increases in proportion to the concentration of its coenzymes to an extent. References: †¢ Brown, W. H. Poon, T. (2005). Introduction to organic chemistry (3rd ed. ). Wiley †¢ Young, Raymond (1986). Cellulose structure modification and hydrolysis. New
Friday, September 20, 2019
Root Causes of Accidents on Construction
Root Causes of Accidents on Construction The construction industry is one of the biggest industries in the whole world. The contribution of this industry towards the global GDP is enormous. The construction industry is also a potential employment generator and employs large number of skilled and unskilled labors. In UK the construction industry employs more than 2.1 million people and accounts for around 9% of the total employment within UK (Howarth and Watson., 2009). Since the industry employs large number, it also has a significant impact on the health and safety of the people working in it. The process of construction involves various activities such as working at heights, working in confined spaces, manual handling, lifting operations, demolition works and ground works. These all activities involve risks and are very hazardous in nature, so the chances of accidents taking place on construction sites are high. Now in order to reduce the level of risk it is very important to implement proper safety management systems on construction sites. The UK construction industry is successful in many respects. The construction industry in UK has shown a steady improvement in the safety performance after the Egan Report (1998) but still faces numerous challenges with regard to safety on its journey to improve its performance record whilst delivering increased volume and complex construction projects (Howarth and Watson., 2009). According to HSE statistics, more than 200 people are killed at work in United Kingdom every year excluding work related road accidents. In 2006, 30 million working days was lost in UK to occupational ill health and injury which imposed an annual cost of  £30 billion i.e. more than 3% of GDP. As per Lingard and Rowlinson (2005), the construction industry consists of several SMEs and small amount of large firms. These small and medium size firms lack knowledge and resources required to implement safety management activities so the issues related to health and safety are more in small and medium size firms. Eakins (1992)stated that international research confirms that the issues related to health and safety are more in SMEs as compared to larger firms and also smaller firms are poor in implementation of safety programmes. Therefore smaller firms have higher injury frequency rates as compared to larger firms. The Company- Millennium Contractors Ltd. Millennium Contractors Ltd. is a small and medium size firm which has been working in the UK construction industry for the last 25 years. The company has a much diversified work force, employees from different cultural background and of different age group works in the company. Diversity in construction organizations in terms of culture and ethnicity has many advantages but at the same time there are many disadvantages related to it. In the condition of uncertainty and complexity diversity does not fare well which may lead to confusion and frustration. In a multicultural organization it is very hard to arrive at an agreement on a particular course of action, and can result in negative dynamics and cultural clashes. The other main disadvantage of multicultural organization is the lack of coordination and communication between the workers which can be a contributing cause of an accident. Apart from this the company is committed to prevention of injuries and ill health at work place but has failed in promoting an incident injury free culture. The recent record of the company related to health and safety has not been very good. There have been many accidents which included one fatal accident resulting from the fall from height and other major/minor injuries and also some incidents of dangerous occurrences. The main areas of concern for the company have been; manual handling; hit by falling objects; hit by moving vehicles; collapse of temporary structures and scaffoldings. The company was also served with a prohibition notice because of a fatal injury caused by falling from mobile elevated working platform. The companys policy towards health and safety is also not up to mark. The management has been irresponsible in implementing the policies in an organized manner, which has contributed to the main cause of accident. According to Baxendale and Jones as cited in (Kashyap et al., 2005), the majority of the accidents are not caused by the carelessness of the worker but by the negligence or by the failure to control by the management. Moreover the management should be able to judge the capabilities of the employee before allocating the job and the employees in response should be capable of doing the allocated work. Hence with an involved and committed staff a positive health and safety culture can be maintained. According to Cooper (1998), the impact of organizational safety culture not only affects the accident rates but has significant impact on work methods, absenteeism, quality, commitment, loyalty and satisfaction. According to HSE the positive health and safety culture can only be ach ieved through 4Cs; competence- recruitment, training and advisory support; control- allocating responsibility, commitment, instruction and supervision; co-operation- between individual and group; communication- spoken, written and visible (Clarke, 1999). Issues related to Health and safety in Millennium Contractors Limited As mentioned above, the company has failed to implement structured policy towards health and safety, as a result of which there has been regular incidents of dangerous occurrences. The common issues that the company is facing regularly and the legal action that could be taken against the company are as follows. Manual handling The manual handling regulations (1992) defines manual handling as any transporting or supporting of a load (including the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof) by hand or by bodily force. In effect, any activity that requires an individual to lift, move or support a load is classified as manual handling operations (Stranks, 2006). Manual material handling is one of the most significant risk factors for back problems, whole body vibration, bent and twisted positions (Roy et al., 1999). If proper safety measures are not involved while manual handling of materials, it may lead to injuries and occupational diseases. According to HSE, manual handling injuries are the most common type of occupational ill health in UK. As per Helander (1991), 15% of the back injuries due to manual material handling occur in the construction industry. The main causes of incidents due to manual handling were; The use of poor techniques to move materials. Lack of proper training and guidelines provided to the workers by the management. Lack of communication and co-operation among the workers. The above figure shows the proper method of moving and lifting materials which can be very effective in reducing the injuries caused by manual handling of materials. Legal aspects related to manual handling; Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and regulations 10 and 13 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 states that it is the duty of employers to provide their employees with health and safety information and training. This should be supplemented as necessary with more specific information and training on manual handling injury risks and prevention, as part of the steps to reduce risk required by regulation 4(1)(b)(ii) of the Regulations (HSE). Hit by Falling Object The other main issue faced by the company is hit by falling objects. The small objects like bricks, hammers, nails and tiles when dropped from the height can cause fatal head injuries and other serious injuries to the worker working below it or any other person passing by it as shown in the figure. The main causes of this type of injury were; Poor standards of housekeeping. Failure of management in providing safety nets at heights. Inadequate project planning which leads to inadequate storage of materials. Lack of proper guidelines provided to the workers working at height. Absence of cautionary sign boards. Legal aspects related to hit from the falling object; Regulation 8(b) part 1 of schedule 3, of the Work at Height Regulation, 2005, states that it is the duty of the employer to prevent, where necessary, injury to any person so far as reasonably practicable and also the employer shall provide enough storage space so as to prevent risk of movement of such material. Fall from height The company has a record of one fatal accident resulting from the fall from height. According to the data of HSE in 2005/06 falls from height accounted for 46 fatal accidents at work and around 3350 major injuries. This was the single biggest cause of workplace deaths and one of the main causes of major injury. The workers working at heights are prone to have fatal injuries such as skull fractures. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to provide proper training and guidance to the workers working at height. The main causes of this type of incident were; Lack of proper training and guidelines provided to worker by the management. Negligence and unsafe action of the worker. Inadequate use of personal protective equipments. Lack of planning and supervision. No barrication provided. Legal aspects related to fall from height; The Work at Height Regulation 2005 applies to all work at height where there is a risk of fall liable to cause personal injury. It place duties on workers, employers, the self-employed, and any person who controls the work of others (eg facilities managers or building owners who may contract others to work at height) to the extent they control the work. Hit by moving vehicle The other issue of the company is workers being hit by moving vehicles. This type of issues is very dangerous in occurrence and can cause fatal injury. The accident involved vehicle like trucks. The main causes of this type of incident were; Inadequate site planning Improper signs and absence of cautionary (speed limit) boards Unsafe conditions of working Legal aspect related to hit by the moving vehicle; Section 2(2)(a) of HSWA 1974 states that it is responsibility of the employer to maintain plant and system at workplace, so far as is reasonably practicable. According to Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulation (17), there should efficient segregation of pedestrian from vehicular traffic of incoming and outgoing. Collapse of temporary structures and scaffolding The other main issue of the company related to health and safety was collapse of temporary structures and scaffoldings. The incident took place due to lack of inspection. Incompetence of the inspectors to identify risk and hazard involved. Moreover the employer failed to provide the workers with suitable equipment and provide collective measures along with personal protective measures. Legal Aspect: The Work at Height Regulation 2005, Regulation6(4)(b), 6(5)(a,b), 7, 8, 12 and 13, states that it is necessary for the employer to provide suitable equipment, take account of working condition and rigorous inspection by a competent person. Further according to section 2(2)(a) of HSWA 1974, there should be provision and maintenance of plant and machinery at work. Apart from these issues the company was served with three enforcement notices and one prohibition notice by HSE because of dangerous occurrences at work place. The company failed to implement proper structure of health and safety policy due to inadequate management system. Hence for successful implementation of the policy the company should have proper safety management system. Safety Management aims at minimizing the chances of risks, injuries and accidents by implementing risk management techniques and safety management operations, improving the standard of health of the employees, monitoring the operating systems and bolstering the safety measures of an organization. Management practices and documentation In order to reduce the risks of accidents in the company the company should have proper management practices and associated documentation relating to safety induction procedures, tool-box talks, training requirement, accident record book and method statements. The proper safe management practices involve; Risk assessment: During risk assessment, the hazards or hazardous work is first identified before commencement of any work activity. The rating information is then passed on for preparation of method statement, which must be read and understood by every worker undertaking the activity before the commencement of work. Method statement: It is the document that shows or states how an activity needs to be carried out in a safe manner. The statement is usually prepared by a competent person and passed to the principle contractor and the safety coordinator for its inclusion in sites health and safety plan. Site induction and training: The site induction and training is usually provided to the worker before the start of any work by the employer. The workers are informed about the various precautions that are to be taken while working on sites. The site induction includes brief on welfare facilities, brief on site hazards, brief on how to report onsite injury or accidents and the use of PPEs. Accident record book: The accidents that take place on sites are to be entered in this book. Any reportable accident should be reported under RIDDOR, to the site supervisor immediately. Tool box talks: Toolbox talks are safety lectures aimed at the construction trade. The lectures are intended to educate workers about creating and maintaining safer work conditions, and attendance is mandatory with many companies. Many companies provide toolbox talks in modular form, so that a safety educator has a curriculum readily available. The Millennium Contractors Ltd do not have organized structure of management and have failed in implementing the health and safety polices due to which the company is unable to follow safe management practices. Overcoming the Barriers The potential barriers that the company needs to overcome to aim for zero accident policy on sites are as follows; Cultural and language barrier: The company has mixed workforce, workers from different cultural background works in the company now because of ethnic diversity the management might find it difficult to convey all the messages efficiently, resulting in difference in understanding of instructions which may cause problems regarding safety on sites. Fear of change: New ways and methods of working may create confusion and sense of uncomforting amongst workers, leading them to traditional ways of working which can cause some problems related to safety. Therefore in order to overcome this barrier the company should motivate the workers and should train them properly. Difference in education level: Different workers might have studied till different levels in education. It may affect their ability to understand instructions clearly. Conclusion Although the company has vast experience it had failed in implementing the safety policies which are very essential for reducing the risks of accidents. The company has inadequate safety management system which has resulted in several major and minor incidents. An effective safety management system will be most effective if a safety culture permeates the organization and this can only be achieved through communicating leadership, personalizing safety outcomes, engaging individuals in safety responsibilities, improving understanding of safety system and increasing hazard/risk awareness and preventive behaviors. In order to improve the safety management system the Millennium Contractors Ltd must follow these steps which would indirectly help them in reducing the accidents.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Abortion :: essays research papers
Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentleman. Today I am here to convince you without a doubt that abortion should be brought to an end. Points that I will be covering are the medical risks involved, economic support for the child, couples that do not have a chance to have a child and ¡K. The scientific definition of abortion is the termination of pregnancy of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival. There are over 131,000 abortions in Australia every year. Firstly: medical risks involved. Some short term or physical side effects such as: „X     Infection „X     Bleeding „X     Perforation of the uterus „X     Anaesthetic complications „X     Deaths And as for that there are also long term side effects such as: „X     Cervical incompetence, in which the neck of the womb loses its capacity to hold the developing foetus in place, and he or she falls out of the uterus because of their weight and the force of gravity „X     Abortion is thus associated with higher rates of miscarriage in subsequent pregnancies, usually in the second twelve weeks „X     Infection acquired at the time of the operation can cause pelvic infection, decreased patency of the fallopian tubes and sterility. „X     Adhesion can cause recurring abdominal pain and sterility. „X     It is now known that women having abortions and considerably more likely to suffer from breast cancer later in their life. My second point is the economic support for the child: Why do people that don ¡Ã‚ ¦t want kids have to have an abortion? There are always other factors that you can come to such as adoption. In third world countries, the people have a right to have children but do they have the opportunity? If they did have a child, how would they support it through the poverty? They don ¡Ã‚ ¦t even have enough food and water to support themselves at the moment. This clearly indicates to support the child you must be economically healthy. In a country like our own, we have all the resources at our fingertips, and why do people still question and rely on abortion? If people had a child or two, or maybe even more, we will still have enough resources to support us and our child healthy and we have resources that the third-world countries don ¡Ã‚ ¦t have. My third point is how many couples do not have the chance to have a child: Many childless couples on the other hand face long waiting lists in the hope they can adopt. Some 50,000 Australian couples a year apply to adopt children.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Necessary Physical Contant in D.H. Lawrences Women in Love and Platos
Necessary Physical Contant in D.H. Lawrence's Women in Love and Plato's Symposium D.H. Lawrence’s novel, Women in Love, presents a complex model of female-male and male-male relationships. Lawrence’s model relies heavily on a similar model presented in Plato’s Symposium. The difference between the two works lies in the mode of realization; that is, how one goes about achieving a ‘perfect’ love relationship with either sex. Lawrence concentrates on corporal fulfillment, characterized in his recurring reference to obtaining a â€Å"blood oath,†while Plato concentrates on a mental, or â€Å"divine†bond. Lawrence’s concentration on corporal fulfillment of love only superficially differs from Plato’s concentration on the mind: both come to the same philosophy of bodily exchange as being a necessary component of relations with either sex. As Barry J. Scherr points out in his article on the relationship between Women in Love and the Symposium, â€Å" ‘Excurse’ [chapter 23] has been recognized by critics as a ‘central chapter’ of Women in Love†(210). The reason for this appraisal is that â€Å"Excurse†presents both a realization and articulation of Lawrence’s view of female-male relationships through the characters of Birkin and Ursula. The transmittance, or â€Å"Excurse,†comes through bodily exchange: â€Å"[Ursula] traced with her hands the line of his loins and thighs †¦ It was a dark flood of electric passion she released from him, drew into herself. She established a rich new circuit †¦ released from the darkest poles of the body and established in perfect circuit†(358). It is through sexual intercourse, or, in the very least, bodily contact, that the connection between Ursula and Birkin is established. Scherr states that â€Å"This scene betwe... connection to take place in order to establish a meaningful bond. These bonds, if properly achieved, are the ideal models of relations between the two sexes. Superficial differences between the two works’ philosophies manifest in a difference in importance: Lawrence stresses the physical connection as paramount, while Plato describes that both physical and mental connections are necessary. Works Cited Griffith, Tom, trans. Symposium of Plato. Los Angeles: University of California P, 1989. Hecht, Jamey. Plato's Symposium: Eros and the Human Predicament. New York: Twayne, 1999. Lawrence, D.H. Women in Love. New York: Random House, 1922. Scherr, Barry J. "Lawrence's ‘Dark Flood:’ A Platonic Interpretation of ‘Excurse’" Paunch 64 (1990): 209-246. Strauss, Leo. On Plato's Symposium. Ed. Seth Benardete. Chicago: University of Chicago P, 2001.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Asian Culture and Healthcare Essay -- Healthcare
Culture is a very important factor to the Asian community. Their whole lives, from their religion, to how they interact with one another, to how they view health care is all dependent on tradition and beliefs. At the third largest majority group, there are almost 12 million Asian or Asian American people living in the United States (Spector, 2009, p 232). Of them, 10.2 million are just Asian, and 1.7 million are Asian mixed with one or more other races. Being Asian refers to having origins to the people from the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent. This area uses over 30 different languages and cultures, and has many different religions. One thing that they have in common is their belief in the religion and philosophy, Taoism. Taoism originated in ancient China from a man named Lao-Tzu. Tao has many meanings, including way, path or discourse. Spiritually, it is the way to ultimate reality, or the way of all nature that regulates heavenly and earthly matters. The Chinese believe that the universe is a vast entity, and everything has a definite function. Nothing can exist without the existence of another because everything is linked together, and is kept in harmonious balance. Health is the state of spiritual and physical harmony with nature. When this balance is violated, the result is illness. To remain healthy, those following Taoism believe that they must conform their actions to the â€Å"mobile cycle of the correspondences†(Spector, 2009, p 235). There are two main components to the important idea of traditional Chinese medicine. First is that the human body is regarded as a complete organism that needs to remain in harmony with itself. During sickness, the whole body is regarded, instead of just the affected ... ...r patients with different cultural beliefs, attitudes and health care practices. Knowing a patient's culture can dramatically improve patient compliance, care and earn patient respect. Works Cited Gupta, V. (2010). Impact of culture on healthcare seeking behavior of Asian Indians. Journal Of Cultural Diversity, 17(1), 13-19. Joswick, D. (2012). What acupuncture can treat. Retrieved from Acupuncture+Information/Detail/What+can+acupuncture+treat+ Spector, R. E. (2009). Cultural diversity in health and illness (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Zhao, M., Esposito, N., & Wang, K. (2010). Cultural beliefs and attitudes toward health and health care among Asian-born women in the United States. JOGNN: Journal Of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 39(4), 370-385. doi:10.1111/j.1552-6909.2010.01151.x
Monday, September 16, 2019
Mission Statement Essay
Mission Statement The mission statement of WRSX’s Group is to help their clients developing their strength and brand images via creative advertisement and marketing activities. Also, they focus on building their business strategy to keep the cost in line with industry averages as well as growth in market share, profitability and returns for shareholders. Their mission statement is quite interesting and attractive for global clients. The company delivery their mission by using industry sector and business unit specialisations, which mainly contributes the independence of business units that will also contributes on their services to global clients. Furthermore, in order to make their mission accomplishable, WRSX had expanded their offices to different cities are Paris, New York, London and Singapore. Therefore, keep this mission statement will be a smart choice for them in order to keep the organization maintain and increase the market share. Since the WRSX Group attracts the global clients, they can expand their range of products and services to potential locations and new industry sectors. On the other hand, they can still focusing on taking care of their existing customers. Also, this mission statement has been keeping them succeed than the others, which made their reputation is no longer an advertising agency but becomes more into marketing communications group in these sectors: automotive and transport, health and pharmaceuticals, telecoms, personal care, beauty and fragrances, public sector and charities. Structure and Key Management Personnel The strategy of WRSX is putting a heavy demand on their management abilities. Therefore, they should try matrix structure because it costs less but still using the human resources effectively, where leaders need to know how to attract, retain and develop the top performers, in order to meet production and business situation more volatile. Besides, matrix structure can help leaders control their employees easier with day-to-day report to product manager, where it contains their flow of skills and information of running or managing product development processes. The matrix structure works horizontally where each manager has different functional disciplines, yet still need to report to the head of department, who authority vertically downwards. Therefore, the company will have multiple command also control structure. Moreover, the company should also invest on Strategic Leadership Capability since its performance is below the industry average. It will provide this department with more effective resources and abilities in leading capability as well as human resource management. The following benefits of investing on Strategic Leadership Capability are guiding the organization through complexity vision as well as lead and unite workgroups across divisions to reach the achievement of their mission statement. Also, it will be able to manage of both internal and external risks in order to retain high quality personnel. Lastly, WRSX should address the bottleneck in the Procurement and Supplier Management. The causes of this problem are the way of managing production buying and the way of building relationships with suppliers, which led WRSX in failing to use their Group buying power that is buying media for clients. Also, WRSX had failed in applying economies of scale to their group that is the most ef fective used in strategic management and financial management, which focusing on increase profit also labour productivity, the cost of using the strategic decisions and executive producer as well as competitive environment.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Henry V as War Poet
There are many different attitudes to war: pacifists find it morally outrageous and unnecessary, others a necessity to protect and defend their own country and that of others. During the life of Shakespeare the security of the King on his throne was unstable. Defending the throne and social stability through war was imperative. This is reflected thematically in ‘Henry V', with Shakespeare promoting the King as a divinely appointed ruler and encouraging acceptance of this. Throughout ‘Henry V' there are very strong references to God, sin and salvation. War is viewed as a moral and spiritual means of upholding the status quo. With this in mind, ‘Henry V' opens with the mature king, ‘The mirror of all Christian kings', seeking justification for declaring war on France, with Henry asking the Archbishop if God is happy with his claim to the French throne. ‘May I with right and conscience make this claim? ‘ Henry, asking the Archbishop for support as King of England, demonstrates his desire to fight in the name of God, confirming that God's appointed monarch is bound by spiritual laws. Later on in the play we learn of Henry's other justification for war: honour. He says he is not interested in gold – he only wants honour and glory for his country. ‘But if it be a sin to covet honour, then I am the most offending soul alive. ‘ Henry will not proceed with war unless his decision to fight is justified by the Church. No longer will he be reckless in conflict, as he was in his younger days. Before battle Henry prays; following success he offers thanks. War is viewed as both necessary, justifiable and sanctioned by God. Despite this spiritual view, war is also promoted as a ‘game' and a noble adventure, a means to bond with ‘dear friends'. Having been given tennis balls as a provocative insult, war is seen as the inevitable consequence and Henry declares war, by saying ‘the game's afoot'. This metaphor of war being a game continues through the whole play, despite the fact that it is a wicked and bloody ‘game' which results in horrific suffering and bloodshed. Interestingly, Jessie Pope,a jingoistic war poet, also represented war as a great adventure game that all boys should embark on, as seen in her poem ‘Who's For The Game? . She specifically addresses the younger generation in her chatty tone with lines such as ‘Come on, lads. ‘ and personifies the country as a female, with the attitude that the men should be protecting and serving her. She appeals to the protective instinct and the patriotic desires of the individual by doing this, by saying ‘Your country is up to her neck in a fight, and she's looking and calling for you'. The poem is structured with rhetorical questions which aim to persuade and encourage men to join force and fight. As a propaganda poem, the horrors of war are evaded and the idea of a fun game promoted with vivid description and verbs. ‘The red crashing game of a fight? ‘ Before Harfleur, Henry is also at his rhetorical best to unite and inspire his ‘team'. War is regarded as an inherited duty. ‘On, on, you noblest English. Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof! ‘. Repetition is used as a means of encouragement, with Henry stressing the words ‘On, on' to urge his soldiers forward, and alliterating the ‘f' sound stresses that fighting and carrying on from their fathers preserves family honour and security. It is better to die fighting for England, to ‘close the wall up with our English dead', then be cowardly, as Rupert Brooke reinforces when he says ‘There shall be in that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust which England bore, shaped, made aware'. In these quotations it is clear that the products of England have the duty to fight and defend their motherland, or at least die honourably trying. Similarly, Brooke justifies war by stressing people were duty bound to fight for their country. He too believed that England made him who he was and it was his duty to protect it. ‘A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware. In this sense, Brooke also believed that he was a possession belonging to England and that he owed a debt to his country. ‘Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given'. Henry's persuasive speech stresses this same idea. ‘Whose limbs were made in England, show us here The mettle of your pasture'. ‘The Soldier' promotes patriotism by focussing on the beauty of the country rather than the actual fighting – rather ironic for a war poem. As in ‘Henry V', there is the idea present that England is superior and worth more than other countries, as shown by the use of the word ‘rich'. and in that rich dust a richer dust concealed', the dust being Brooke's remains. The poem is Brooke's personal narrative; about him giving his body back to England. ‘gives back the thoughts by England given' Patriotism would encourage a man to fight, courage is an essential quality to survive! War is promoted as an act of courage. Most of Henry's key speeches in the play, such as the charge of Harfleur and the one delivered on St Crispians day, were designed to raise spirits and work up courage. One prominent idea, especially in the St Crispians day speech, is that the fewer men there are, the ‘greater share of honour'. Henry also tells his soldiers not to fear death, saying that it would be honourable to die for their country. ‘If we are mark'd to die, we are enow to do our country loss'. At times Henry dissolves his powers of status and leadership to become one of the ‘brother's'. He labels him and his soldiers a ‘happy few', a ‘band of brothers', rather than calling them an army and presenting them as a unit that's not only hostile and foreign to the attackers but also to each other. He uses pronouns such as ‘we' and ‘us' rather than ‘I' and ‘you'. This demonstrates equality and unites the army to encourage the bonds of ‘brotherhood' between them – a clever rhetorical tactic to persuade and encourage soldiers to rise above their individual circumstances and differences and become a more robotic mass. In contrast, poets such as Owen and Graves deliberately focus on the individual, whereas Henry encourages his soldiers to lose their individuality for the sake of England. This is seen as a clever leadership tactic: leading under the guise of not purely following a leader, but of everyone being of equal status. War is instinctively a natural act of defence, and is Henry's first thought when he is insulted. When provoked, animals attack, as shown in the imagery of Act 3, Scene 2. Henry tells his soldiers that when they hear ‘the blast of war', their first actions should be those of the tiger, acknowledging an aggressive and instinctive side to these men. ‘Then imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood'. According to Henry, these animalistic tendencies should dominate them in this fight. ‘Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage'. War is a glorious and natural defending action to these men, and they have to be prepared to follow and encourage this instinct. Like Pope and Brooke, Wilfred Owen and Robert Graves were patriotic, but when they saw firsthand the horrors of war their attitude changed. Graves' poem ‘A Dead Boche' details his change in attitude. ‘Today I found in Mametz Wood, a certain cure for a lust for blood'. War may be an expression of courage, patriotism, honour, but to Graves â€Å"War's Hell! â€Å", as declared in â€Å"A Dead Boche'. Grave's focuses on the torment of an individual soldier, meaning that the ravages of war cannot be sidestepped. No one can view the â€Å"Big-bellied, spectacled, crop-haired, Dribbling†wounded man as honourably and happily dying and returning to the soil of his home country. We are forced to see the horror of war, a horror which Henry cleverly acknowledges but as the fate of the enemy and the consequence of arousing his anger: When the siege of Harfleur fails, Henry attempts to bluff his way into the city by painting a vivid picture of what will happen if the French do not surrender. Defile the locks of your shrill shrieking daughters; Your father's†¦ reverend heads dash'd to the walls'. The use of onomatopoeia and alliteration in ‘shrill shrieking' emphasises the outrageously violent consequences of war. Nature imagery is also used in the line ‘mowing like grass your fresh-fair virgins'. The image of mowing grass usually creates nice images of the springtim e and getting the earth ready for blooming, however here the simile creates a dark image, as we are not mowing grass – we are ‘mowing' through and cutting down ‘flowering infants', indeed the innocent in war. Henry is presenting war as a punishment, not just to the French soldiers, but even to the non-participants in the fighting as well as the Shakespearean audience. In his speech he emphasises the attacks on the most helpless and innocent people in the community, such as the ‘fresh-fair virgins', describing graphic deaths involving rape and mindless violence. Henry has an attitude towards this war that lets him believe that God will not see them as sinning – ‘with conscience wide as Hell' – because this invasion has been sanctioned by Him, and as a result he is prepared to do anything to fulfil his claim. However, the reader and the audience of this play must wonder if God is used as an excuse by Henry because what kind of God would sanction such Hell on earth? ‘Who's For The Game' and ‘The Soldier' give justifications for war – defending your country and owing a debt to it respectively. However, Wilfred Owen, another war poet, failed to give any justification in his poems, purely because he didn't see the reasons behind war! He aimed to show the reality and horrors of war in his poems for all participants, the most notable being ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est'. Owen questions how such pain and degradation be justified. In his poem ‘Anthem For Doomed Youth', Owen presents a world devoid of divine order and intervention; a hell on earth. This was the reality of the ‘war hero' stories about those heroically dying to protect their country. ‘no prayers nor bells' There are no bells ringing worshippers to Church to glorify God, and the only choir is that of ‘wailing shells'. Religious imagery is used to highlight the horrific, hellish reality. All the weapons in this poem are personified – ‘wailing shells' ‘monstrous anger of the guns' – implying the attitude that war is not a natural phenomenon – it is completely man-made destruction here. This attitude starkly contrasts with Henry's viewpoint in his prayers and speeches, as he believes that war is a natural part of all men and therefore life. ‘The mirror of all Christian Kings' also sees God as his motivation, inspiration and his protector, and God is listed first in his battle cry as they charge toward glory. ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George! ‘ Henry cleverly presents war as only being hell for the French with the English glorious in battle or death. Henry deliberately focusses on collective disgusting images, such as ‘I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur till in her ashes she lie buried. ‘, which is a threat not just to individuals such as the Governor but to the whole city itself. Using such images takes the emphasise off the true foulness of war that poets such as Owen and Graves aimed to put into the light. Henry uses collective images to take the focus off his individual weakened soldiers, plagued with casualties and illness. During his bluff the focus is not on the actual torment that the ‘knock kneed†¦ hags' that had been ‘cursing through sludge' (as soldiers were described by Wilfred Owen) were going through. The focus in on the potential horror in the images of rape and mindless violence evoked by Henry that stop people such as the Governor from looking at the army that may not even be able to carry out such an attack too closely. On the whole, ‘Henry V' glorifies war. It is represented as an opportunity to display courage, heroism and brotherhood. The consequences of war are addressed in some poignant speeches, yet still the audience marvels at Henry and his army. Patriotic poets such as Jessie Pope are similarly sparing with their images, intent to encourage conscription and bravery, whereas the horrific truth about war is starkly presented by Wilfred Owen in his poems such as ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est' and ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth'. Overall, war is war, but there are many different attitudes to the event, and some – when presented in the right way – ultimately prevail, much like Henry and the English did over the French with simply a few words.
Butterfly Ballot’s Case
In general, ballot devices are used by the voters to record their choice of a leader. The ballot devices are placed in a polling station so that the voters can have the complete privacy for casting his or her vote without any disturbance. Initially the ballot papers were used by the voters during the elections that were conducted in Rome 139 BC. On the other hand, in North America the first time these paper ballots were used in the elections of 1629. The elections were conducted in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in order to select a new minister for the Salem Church.Another approach for the elections was used, the secret ballot. This method was first used in Australia in the early 1850s. The design of a ballot can assist or restrain precision in the elections. Poor or weak designs can result in misunderstanding and a certain level of chaos among the voting process in case a large quaintly of constituency members messes up or mismark a ballot. During the United States Presidential elect ions in the year of 2000, another new approach known as the confusing ballot or the butterfly ballot was utilized (Marcia Lausen, 2007).Butterfly Ballots: Before going into details of a butterfly ballot, it would be more appropriate to discuss briefly about ballots in common and particularly about the punch cards. As discussed earlier, ballot is a device or may be a system which is used by the voters to cast their vote in the favor of a particular person in the elections. Mostly, people have been bringing into play paper ballots of a range of varieties for reasonably a long time. Somewhere in the mid of the twentieth century, the punch card ballots were invented.A punch card ballots registers applicants and publishes with subsequent numbered symbols. With a use of a stylus, a hole is punched into the card all the way through the mark that is embedded on the card. This is how a punch card is used to cast a vote. A category of a punch card is known as the butterfly ballot. (Lausen, Ma rcia. 2007) The butterfly ballots are structured in a way that the candidates and the issues are published on both of the sides of the card. In the middle of the card, there is a single line which contains the numbered marks.In order to cast the vote, either of the corresponding mark of the candidate is punched. Now the issue with this kind of confusing design can be that in case if a voter is in a hurry or he is with a poor vision, the casted vote can be wasted or not counted due to any error in the punching. The subject of Butterfly ballot has been an intense issue is the past few years. This intense issue took place back in the year of 2000 in United States. The issue revolved around the elections that took place in Florida using the butterfly ballot.The main area of focus in this issue was the outcome that was determined using butterfly ballots i. e. the recent Presidential elections of that year along with the extensive accusations of mismarked secret ballots (Daniel H. Pink, 2 006). Structure of a Butterfly Ballot: The well-known butterfly ballot from Florida marked two sheets of Presidential nominees. The superior applicant on the initial page was Republican, and then came in the Democratic, most important individuals to consider that the equivalent subsequent hole must be utilized to mark your ballot for the Democrat.In actual fact, the subsequent hole matched up to a Reform gathering applicant (Pat Buchanan), who escorted the listing on the following page of the secret ballot. As an end result, a lot of individuals selected and marked for the incorrect candidate by mistake, or happening to punch and then comprehended their blunder, creating grounds for a dimpled vote or lynching chads which resulted in counting ballots easier said than done, in view of the fact that the purpose of the person on the electoral roll was not comprehensible (Matthew Justin Streb, 2008). The Florida Controversy:One of the major primary focuses of the Florida controversy is t he Palm Beach Country. In 1996, during the month of November, on 9th of the month, Thursday, a number of investigators from the camp of bush were of an impression that approximately a total of sixteen thousand (16,000) voters offensively and inappropriately casted their votes and punched their ballots. Later on the ballots were declined and canceled by the district officials. Later on similarly in the year of 2000, a calculated estimation of about nineteen thousand (19,000) voters punched their votes in a wrong manner (Keith Lewis Topper, 2005).According to the camp of Bush, there wasn’t s single authority that could have challenged the elections and the kind of ballots that were used in the voting of 1996. Even the format of ballots and elections of the year 2000 were not challenged by any official or any individual. They also claim that the self-governing commissioner signed off on the 2000 ballot. This practice is to some extent partially incorrect. A large quantity of ele ctorates articulated their apprehensions with the ballot of the year 2000. Election bureaucrats in point of fact disseminated a â€Å"word of warning†soon after that in the day.If we go years back, almost to the 1980s, in 1984, a similar dispute was brought up. According to some federal review, the system was reported to be defective and damaged in 1988. Considering all these issues that happened in the past with respect to the voting, on single question that still makes the nation think is that how is possible for a huge amount of people, approximately 35,000, to make the same illegal mistake of casting unauthorized votes and are left without even by the check of an official. The unusual design of the butterfly ballot came in with a number of controversies.Characteristically, a particular side of a punch card ballot includes together the applicants and concerns to be designated on and the openings for punching. In the circumstances of the butterfly ballot, the contenders we re stretched out transversely on two pages, and the openings for punching were centered in the center of the two page stretch. In speculation, arrows were theoretical to spot from each and every applicant to the equivalent opening which required being distinct, but small misfortunes of wrong or missed registrations possibly will reason the pointers to be not in proper alignment.This made the entire situation a challenging one in order to determine which the correct hole to be punched was. In Florida, butterfly ballots were not utilized from corner to corner of the state, and numerous detractors experientially said that they were exploited in conventionally Democratic areas, reasoning the determination outcome to be twisted, as Democratic electorates were nominated for the Reform applicant to a certain extent than the Democrat they considered they were choosing for.In view of the fact that the outline of the butterfly ballot privileged the Republican contender for President, lots of citizens pointed the finger at State of Florida of challenging to manipulate the ballot vote’s consequences. Whether or not these allegations were accurate is still to be resolute, the drawing has not been extensively employed ever since, as it was obviously too puzzling for supporters; countless districts also changed to electronic selection equipment, moderately than punch card ballots (James T. Patterson, 2005).The Consequences of the Butterfly Ballot Case: In Palm Beach Florida a lot of Democrats protested concerning the butterfly ballot being unsuitable and puzzling they accumulated a lawful confrontation in opposition to the outcome of 2000 US Presidential voting. Several of the Democrats incorrectly designated for Reformist Pat Buchanan when they proposed to choose for Democrat Al Gore because of the baffling drawing of the ballot document, lots of blemished the ballot paper even as properly casting their vote or exhausted their ballot.Democrats discovered out Gore mis placed 6,607 ballots when electorates stroked other than one person's name on the county's butterfly ballot. Astonishingly there was a huge quantity of ballots in support of Reformist Pat Buchanan. One more portion of disapproval from the Democrats was the secret ballot was created by Theresa LePore, who was as well administering the voting for Palm Beach County. The arrangement was just employed in the Palm Beach region and merely for Election Day election for President (Allan J. Lichtman, 2008). A number of voters for Gore voted for Pat Buchanan.This error was one of the major reasons for the success of President Bush by just a small margin. Even though registering a number of cases against this ballot by the Al Gore camp, they lost all the trials and were not able to prove that the election was an illegal one. After all this the Supreme Court sent out a numerous decisions saying that even if the election that took place was illegal, a new election cannot be proposed to take place in any case. This remark was given by considering the fact that there is no such rule or authority to any country to conduct one election after another.On the other hand, when this case was taken to the high court, an entirely opposite approach came in the view. This approach stated towards the case declining to remark on whether a revote may possibly be prearranged for the presidential determinations releasing the case on the justifications that the butterfly ballot was in considerable fulfillment with Florida’s Law. The superior obstacle further complicated to conquer for the judges was that presently there was no obvious preparation accessible intended for such circumstances even though if it accomplished that the poll was the rationale for bewilderment among the constituency.As a result of the erroneous design of the butterfly ballot, it was impossible to decide that who actually won the elections of the year 2000. In order to open the Pandora’s Box of election ch allenges there were reasons other than the unchangeable result of the elections that was caused by a simple confusing design of a ballot paper. The other major reason to open the Box was that there was no dependable technique of shaping any rational time limit for deciding on Florida’s member of the electorates the authentic intents of these supporters (J. David Woodard, 2006).Although the case of butterfly ballot was concluded without any treat to the camp of Gore, which indeed presented this case in a strict and legal manner. A certain amount of disappointment arose in the supporters of Gore, who went to the polling station with the intention to vote Gore and then fell victim to a simple design fault. They all were disheartened for the reason that the votes that they casted for Gore were never bothered to be registered. All this disappointment has always been an emotional state for the argument of Al Gore that in reality he really would have won the state of Florida.On the other hand the bush’s followers laid the blame on the Democrats of building political affairs elsewhere of election outcomes they didn't be fond of, cautioning the Democrats that if they required to turn over the early vote in Florida there were ample of new locations in the region of the nation now supporting Al Gore where parallel oppositions possibly will be elevated. Bush’s camp was not speeding up into objects as Al Gore camp supporters; they would declare themselves the victors on the foundation of the repeated recount and remain waiting the countdown did not ended.Later on, the supporters of Bush as well released doubts about the self-styled â€Å"butterfly ballot†in Palm Beach County, in which applicant’s given names became visible on whichever area of the ballot vote sheet, with holes representing hold up for them successively down the middle. Bush’s Camp stumbled off a listing of states and regions in the order of the country where they supposed consequences at present supporting Al Gore could still be terrified release to inquiry. The Bush camp talked about the sealed presidential outcomes in Iowa, Wisconsin and New Mexico.They as well said that truant votes still being calculated in a lot of divisions of the country could constrict the edge by which Al Gore is at present captivating the general accepted vote. The outline of the meeting by the Bush camp hoisted doubts of conflicts of abrasion in which the election procedure which was previously a cliffhanger with no convinced consequences could go on and on and weaken self-confidence in the entire progression. The New York Daily News gave a statement on November 1 that the Bush camp was building tactics to take control of the November 7th voting.Bush’s assistants were organizing to commence an anti-constitutional attempt to knock over Al Gore’s conquest if Bush accomplished something in winning the accepted vote (Benjamin E. Griffith, 2008). Conclusi on: The cause there were 35,000 canceled ballets and not a particular criticism is that electorate were uninformed they had created a mistake As a number of citizens take part in an election merely one time every four years, the need of knowledge with the process work to add to the fringe of mistake.The Supreme Court detained that the Florida Supreme Court's preparation for unfolding votes was illegal, as well as a 5-4 choice that ruined the Florida recount and permitted Florida to confirm its ballots. References Lausen, Marcia. 2007. Design for Democracy: Ballot and Election Design. Published by University of Chicago Press Pink, Daniel H. 2006. A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future. Published by Riverhead Books Streb, Matthew Justin. 2008. Rethinking American Electoral Democracy. Published by Taylor & Francis Topper, Keith Lewis. 2005.The Disorder of Political Inquiry. Published by Harvard University Press Patterson, James T. 2005. Restless Giant: The United Sta tes from Watergate To Bush V. Gore. Published by Oxford University Press US Lichtman, Allan J. 2008. The Keys to the White House: A Surefire Guide to Predicting the Next President. Published by Rowman & Littlefield Woodard, J. David. 2006. The America that Reagan Built. Published by Greenwood Publishing Group Griffith, Benjamin E. 2008. America Votes! A Guide to Modern Election Law and Voting Rights. Published by American Bar Association
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Metabical Case Essay
The weight loss drug vailable in three four-week packages. The four week packaging was at the specific point where the consumer did not have to spend too much money to buy it, yet got invested in the product enough that they would come back to buy the second and third portions Marketing Research – According to the US survey 34% overweight 25. % obese 4. 7% severely obese – Health care providers were positive about the prospects of weight loss drugs. – Responses of individuals: indicates 12% would immediately opt for such a solution. – Focus group: Need of Prescription-strength drug with FDA approval & clinical results o backup weight loss results. Decision making The process of decision making for the consumers would follow the hierarchy of effects and would include the following steps Users involved in word of outh publicity – First prescription drug to be approved by the FDA specifically for weight loss of overweight individuals – credibility – First prescription drug for BMI of 25-30 – It worked on low dose formulation hence stress on liver and heart was lesser – Side effects were less severe and conditional – Behavioral modifications and healthier eating habits – Results were seen on an average in 12 weeks – More comprehensive support plan – The above advantage could be used for positioning in the following ways: Premium pricing as it is the only FDA approved prescription drug for weight loss. Strikingly different from dietary supplements for weight loss Segmentation & Targeting multi cluster segmentation Demographic – Income levels – High Income group, since they are ready to pay out of their pockets. – Gender- Females are more weight conscious. – Age: 35+ – Educa tion: college plus Psychographic : Based on, Physical activity, Food preferences, Nutrition, Self image, Overall health – â€Å"l want to be healthier†– †I want to fit into my skinny Jeans†Geographic : US is the largest geographic segment where 65% of the entire adult population is over-weight, obese or severely obese . Targeting customers with a BMI of 25-30 Positioning Strategy Positioning as a ?Life saving drug†Those 20 extra pounds can kill you. Being overweight leads to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes â€Å"It†s time to get Healthy- Metabical can help. †Positioning as a ?Motivational Therapeutic drug†â€Å"Discover a happier and a more attractive you†– Increases confidence – Boosts self- esteem Marketing Communication Strategy Electronic media – TV – Radio – Social media Print media – NEWS – Magazines Viral media DTC and prescriber advertising ?Free lunch†pre launch program Metabical Challenge – Biggest looser contest Medical education events Thank you
Friday, September 13, 2019
Pathophysiology- gasrtic acid stimulation on PUD,GERD,GASTRITIS Essay
Pathophysiology- gasrtic acid stimulation on PUD,GERD,GASTRITIS - Essay Example There are four main phases in the process of gastric acid production and these include basal phase which is constant acid release into the stomach. The cephalic phase involves the preparation for eating and acid secretion is triggered by impulses from higher CNS structures through CN X. Acid secretion in the gastric phase is due to distention of the abdomen and the intestinal phase is stimulated by amino acids and intestinal distension (Malfertheiner, 2009). There are several disorders that can occur as a result of hypersacidity which include peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux and gastritis. The acid accumulation in these cases is due to a series of aggressive factors such as alcohol, h. pylori and NSAIDs. For example in patients with hyperacid dyspepsia due to Helicobacter pylori there is an increase in gastrin production which stimulates the the parietal cells to produce HCl. Dietary factors and consumption of alcohol leads to stimulation of gastric mucosa leading to hypersecretion of acid from the parietal cells (Patel & Gyawali, 2012). Genetics have a role to play in the development of PUD, gastritis and GERD due to several reasons. Firstly, hyperacid dyspepsia can be a genetic condition whereby an individual naturally produces an elevated amount of acid therefore making him or her predisposed to developing the above mentioned conditions. Other genetic conditions such as hyperpepsinogemenia play a role in the development of peptic ulcer disease. Genetic defects of lower esophageal sphincter function also predispose an individual to GERD. Autoimmune disorders, cancers and allergic reactions increase an individual’s chances of developing peptic ulcers or gastritis (Patel & Gyawali,
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