Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Language of Robinson Crusoe Essay

Daniel Dafoe’s popular novel, originally titled The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With an Account how he was at last as strangely deliver’d by Pyrates (iii), like most classics underwent many editions through the years. However nothing but the first edition, which is the basis of this essay, can give us the look and feel of the time as intended to be shown by the author. EARLY MODERN ENGLISH According to Volume 14 of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes, Early Modern English period marked the expansion of the use of the English language outside England. But since English was spread at various times it has been subjected to different influences and additional variations caused by attempts at etymological spelling (Ward et al ch 15 sec 3 par 1). These were evident in the novel in two aspects of language: grammar and vocabulary (Ward et al ch 15 sec 1 par 1-2). Among the inflectional changes during the early modern English was the dropping of the weak vowel in verbs ending in –ed (Ward et al. ch 15 sec 4 par. 7). Examples of these manifested not only in the title (the word deliver’d) but within the text itself such as call’d, fill’d, encreas’d, and fatigu’d. Spelling also appeared to be phonetically defective (Ward et al. ch 15 sec 3 par. 1) with words like perswasions, lyon, lye, and prophetick. Compounding of words were also used in the novel by examples of free-school, hand-maids, ground-tackle and fellow-slave. However, the change in the verbs as well as the defects in spelling was not applied to the entire novel which makes us consider the reasons for such use. TOWARDS A PURITY IN STYLE Daniel Defoe, in his book An Essay upon Projects, emphasized that it was the responsibility of the society to polish and refine the English tongue and to purge it from all the irregular additions that ignorance and affectation have introduced as befitted the noblest and most comprehensive of all the vulgar languages in the world (8). The spread of the English language was depicted in the novel when Robinson Crusoe teaches his servant Friday the English language. We may notice from an excerpt of their discourse below that although essentially Crusoe and Friday came to communicate effectively with each other, Friday’s English differs much from Crusoe’s parallel to their difference in status and origin: Friday, My Nation beat much, for all that. Master, How beat; if your Nation beat them, how come you to be taken? Friday, They more many than my Nation in the Place where me was; they take one, two, three, and me; my Nation over beat them in the yonder Place, where me no was; there my Nation take one, two, great Thousand. Master, But why did not your Side recover you from the Hands of your Enemies then? Friday, They run one, two, three, and me, and make go in the Canoe; my Nation have no Canoe that time. (Defoe, â€Å"Robinson Crusoe† 254) Much is the same circumstance that brought about the variations and additions to the English language in which Defoe is clamoring for purity (â€Å"An Essay upon Projects† 8). Shoar and Shore. Aside from the defective spelling mentioned earlier is the variation in the spelling (Ward et al. ch 15 sec 3 par. 1). An example if this is the word shore, spelled shore and shoar, in different context of the novel. It may be noted that shoar was only used in the part of Robinson Crusoe’s mishaps. That is to say, from the part of his captivity at Sallee until before his wreck on the island. These mishaps, Crusoe later reflected on, were results of his ignorance in the Providence of God and malcontent thus the use of the spelling shoar. While his solitary life in the island described the learning process he underwent to survive and finally live harmoniously with his surroundings; hence the renewed use of the spelling shore. In this regard, one may interpret that the use of the word was intentional to show the need and difficulty in creating a standard for the English language. viz. and (viz. ). The use of foreign language in novels is quite common throughout the ages. As such, we came to attention on the use of the Latin word viz. Oxford English Dictionary defines viz. as the abbreviation of videlicet which generally means namely or that is to say (1033). Although Defoe used viz. without parenthesis and viz. in parenthesis based on the same definition, its participation in the statement are quite different. The viz. without parenthesis was used in identifying and qualifying statements such as the â€Å"All the rest of that Day I spent in afflicting my self at the dismal Circumstances I was brought to, viz. I had neither Food, House, Clothes, Weapon, or Place to fly to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"Robinson Crusoe† 82). On the other hand, viz. in parenthesis, which appeared in lines like â€Å"This was what I wish’d for; so I took them up, and serv’d them as we serve notorious Thieves in England, (viz. ) Hang’d them in Chains for a Terror to others†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"Robinson Crusoe† 138), was used as such in order to explain earlier statement. The use of parenthesis to differentiate the use of the same word in the novel further reflects Defoe’s quest for refinement of the English language as mentioned previously. CONCLUSION Indeed, regardless of the plot of the story which categorized it to fiction, the culture and language of the time is unmistakable. Robinson Crusoe, in its original version, allows us the indulgence to peek and appreciate not only the early modern English language but the period as well. The flexibility of the language then reflected the society of that time as it has always been for any period or era. At the same time, the novel provided additional venue for the author to disseminate his ideas and further his individual attempt towards the transition to the modern English language and insertions to the importance of learning across the spectrum of the society. Such power language has to influence its readers, whether consciously or unconsciously. And the duality that the novel showed made it a favorite among children and adults alike. Fulfilling its objectives to entertain and propagate (however subtle it may be). Works Cited Defoe, Daniel. An Essay Upon Projects. New York: Adamant Media Corporation, 2005. Print. —. The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With an Account how he was at last as strangely deliver’d by Pyrates. London: printed for W. Taylor, 1719. Print. Oxford English Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print. Ward, Aldolphus William, Sir, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907-21; New York: Bartleby. com, 2000 (Web) April 1, 2009.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Do you find any of the arguments for cognitivism convincing? Essay

Cognitivism, also referred to as moral realism, is a belief held that morality is independent of human existence. Cognitivists will state that there are such things as moral facts which we can discover, rather than morals being subjective and developed individually. To them, each judgment is true or false, and this applies to any moral judgment. I believe that rationalism and naturalism can easily be dismissed as implausible, illogical and inhuman. Kant’s cold, calculated approach to ethics is irony of the highest degree, whilst Hume, Mill and Aristotle’s strict moral principles undermine our human fallacies at the foundation. They make too much of an attempt to define ‘good’ (which surely is indefinable, just as â€Å"red† or â€Å"four† cannot be defined, only represented). For this reason, I prefer G. E. Moore’s theory of Consequentialist Intuitionism. His belief that morals are intuited seems a lot more human to us, but it still has a lot of shortfalls. Overall, cognitivism has many more weaknesses than strengths, as I shall discuss. It is, first of all, important to define cognitivism and moral realism. The beliefs state that morality is not invented, but discovered through various means (depending on the theory). Morals are objective, and part of our world, not part of us as human beings. There are moral facts which we must adhere to, and all moral judgments can be true or false. There is always a ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ The first of the cognitivist theories is that of rationalism, and is most commonly associated with Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant. He states that â€Å"reason by itself and independently of all appearances commands what ought to happen† (1), i.e. we can perceive what is right or wrong purely through reason. He believes that every moral judgment should be made using our reason, and that it will always provide the ‘right’ course of action. This follows Kant’s idea of a ‘categorical imperative,’ which is what we are required to do in a certain situation. This creates a kind of set Moral Law based on universalised maxims, which basically means that an action can only be right if it can be universalised. This, according to Kant, leads to a perfect moral system. To his favour, the theory is very simple to understand, and in many ways it is logical, but from there on it raises more questions than it answers. First of all, how can morals possible be independent? If we are to know them a priori, then where does this knowledge come from? It is ludicrous to assume that this knowledge of the moral law appears from nowhere. Arthur Schopenhauer raised this point in his critique of Kant’s moral theory: Kant attempted to give a foundation to Ethics independent of this will, and establish it without metaphysical hypotheses, and there was no longer any justification for taking as its basis the words † thou shalt,† and † it is thy duty † (that is, the imperative form), without first deducing the truth thereof from some other source.† (2) This very well asks this question. Another very large issue with Kant’s theory is his intense focus on reason. I disagree strongly with this. How can moral decisions be made in a complete absence of emotion? Surely emotions and feelings form the basis of our judgments? Schopenhauer illustrates the impossibility of a â€Å"loveless doer of good, who is indifferent to the sufferings of other people† (2). This seems like a very obvious fallacy, and I agree with it. It completely undermines the whole point of morality, for surely one can appreciate the absurdity of a â€Å"loveless doer of good.† Where does this categorical duty arise from, if not emotion? Reason does not motivate man, it guides him. Emotions drive man to perform action, but Kant completely overlooks this, even though fellow rationalist David Hume (who Kant once claimed â€Å"awoke him from his dogmatism†) makes this point: â€Å"Reason is, and ought only to be, the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.† (3) Overall, Kant’s rationalism is a very weak theory (not unlike the bulk of his work, I daresay), and I completely disagree with every single part of it. How this theory is even being discussed in today’s society, let alone in the 16th/17th Century leaves me in the dark. It is not even worth considering as a moral theory, and should be dismissed from consideration immediately. The second theory is less specific, referring more to several similarly-aimed theories, rather than just one. These theories are John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism and Aristotle’s Theory of Virtue in particular. Naturalism is a theory that focuses on ‘good’ as natural properties. This can be a multitude of things. John Stuart Mill said that â€Å"the creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.† (4) This means, in essence, that happiness is the ultimate good. Obviously, happiness is a natural principle, and therefore it makes Utilitarianism a naturalistic theory. Aristotle’s virtue theory is somewhat different. It refers to set virtues that must be followed in order to reach the Highest Happiness, which is fulfillment of one’s function as a human being. (5) This means that Aristotle’s definition of ‘good’ is to fulfill the function of your soul, which involves living a virtuous life. In general, these theories seem quite sensible, as naturalistic properties are a logical place to start within morality. Unfortunately, there is one very major problem which G.E. Moore pointed out, and it is known as the Naturalistic Fallacy. This fallacy describes how one cannot possibly define ‘good’, just as you cannot define ‘blue’ or ‘six’. They are purely concepts we assign to certain things, not objective definites. Moore said that â€Å"‘Good’ is one of those innumerable objects of thought which are themselves incapable of definition, because they are the ultimate terms by reference to which whatever is capable of definition must be defined.† (6) Obviously the naturalistic theories attempt to make sense of ‘good’ by definition, and that is the most obvious problem with them. How can one possibly say that one thing in particular means ‘good?’ Surely it’s a matter of opinion, and entirely subjective? And, as with other cognitivist theories, there is the problem of objective morality. Where does this ‘happiness’ and these ‘virtues’ come from? Are they not subjective human inventions, not discoveries? Overall, this is also a very weak theory, although it does have some stronger points than rationalism. However, I disagree with this theory as well; since it offers a strict approach to ethics and makes us define ‘good’, which I think defeats the whole object of morality. The third and final theory is also, in my opinion, the strongest. G.E. Moore devised this theory as retaliation the naturalists. He draws inspiration from their committing of the naturalistic fallacy and proposes a completely different cognitive theory. Moore, in his Principia Ethika (6), states that there is no need to define ‘good’ (see quote above). Our intuition reveals what is right or wrong without the need for a set ‘good.’ As an empiricist and a consequentialist, Moore believed that one could intuit, through experience, what the right decision would be in a moral judgment. Intuition would help us discover the objective morals and use them correctly. The right application was to find â€Å"friendship†, according to Moore. W.D. Ross took an interesting approach and turned this on its head, defining it instead as a deontological theory. In his most famous work, The Right and the Good, he said that â€Å"the moral order†¦is just as much part of the fundamental nature of the universe (and†¦of any possible universe in which there are moral agents at all) as is the spatial or numerical structure expressed in the axioms of geometry or arithmetic.† (7) Basically, he states that the morals are part of the universe itself, and that we don’t need experience to interpret it, we need only our intuition, which will tell us them directly. Although this theory is a lot more human and obvious to us, and is the strongest of the three theories, it stills falls short, and is a fairly weak theory. Isn’t Moore’s suggestion of ‘friendship’ a thinly veiled attempt at definition of ‘good’, or at the very least a specific instruction? Not especially ‘intuiti ve.’ Also, where do we intuit these morals from? Sorely morality in general cannot be objective (which, granted, is a problem with cognitivism, not specifically intuitionism). Again, this is a weak theory, even though it prevails over the other two. In the end, cognitivism as a whole is not especially useful as a guide as to where morals come from. I stated earlier that cognitivism has many more weaknesses than strengths, and I displayed that through my various condemnations of the theories individually, and also of cognitivism as a whole. Surely morality cannot be objective? Isn’t the whole point of morals the fact that they are individual and developed subjectively? Surely there would be no moral disagreement if they in fact were objective, but that is obviously not the case. No, the answer lies in the direct counterpart of cognitivism, non-cognitivism. Morality is for certain subjective, as it is part of our human nature to form opinions based on emotion and preference, not in principles which are apparently entwined in this world we live in. Cognitivism, as a whole, is completely useless in terms of moral analysis and I completely and utterly disagree with all it states. Bibliography 1. Kant, Immanuel. Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals. 1785. 2. Schopenhauer, Arthur. On the Basis of Morality. 1837. 3. Hume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature. 1739. 4. Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. 1861. 5. Aristotle. Ta Ethika. 6. Moore, G.E. Principia Ethica. 1903. 7. Ross, W. D. The Right and the Good. 1930.

Comparing Blue Remembered Hills with High School Musical 2

In this essay I'm going to compare two total different plays that are set in a different period of time. I'm going to compare my scripted piece called â€Å"Blue Remembered Hills† written by Dennis Potter and set in the year of 1979 which I preformed for my drama exam and can be seen as a comedy and a tragedy play. The other play I'm going to compare it to is called â€Å"High School Musical 2† directed by Kenny Ortega and set in the year 2007 and can be seen as a comedy and romantic. The play â€Å"Blue Remembered Hills† is about a group of seven year olds playing in the Forest of Dean during a summer afternoon called ‘Willie' , ‘Peter', ‘John', ‘Raymond', ‘Angela', ‘Audrey' and ‘Donald' whilst parts of the ‘Second World War' were happening. This play shows how victimisation and stereotypical views occur even in young children, and ends abruptly when the character of ‘Donald' is burned to death due to an outcome of the other children's actions. However, the most striking feature of this play is that though the characters were young children they were played by adult actors and actresses. The play starts and the first character we are introduced to is Willie eating an apple and pretending to be a pilot a war plane, when pretends he's parachuting from a tree. Once done after arguing over an apple, in which a way Peter acts how a hard bully should be, they gradually spot a squirrel and chase it. Meanwhile in a nearby farm we are introduced to Donald who is playing with Angela and Audrey. We notice and learn how vulnerable Donald is as she suffers some teasing from Audrey and Angela after their fantasy game of mummies and daddies. I'm going to compare this with â€Å"High School Musical 2† which is about a group of teenagers called ‘Troy', ‘Gabriella', ‘Sharpay', ‘Ryan', ‘Chad' and ‘Taylor' who attend East High Wildcats as they think about their plans over summer break from school. Sharpay and Ryan (who are brother and sister) are planning as usual to spend their summer vacation holiday at their families ‘Lava Springs Country Club'. Whilst Troy tried to get a job and gets most of the East High students employed at the country club. Only for Sharpay being the mean girl she is, trying to get the manager ‘Mr. Fulton' to fire them. Throughout the play we begin to see songs being sang from the students at East High, including ‘What Time is it', ‘Everyday' and ‘All for One' which is the last song we hear. With both plays being set from a total different time period, these plays are completely different along with the characters. Sharpay can be compared to Angela who likes to think she is in charge of everything and everyone. They both think of themselves as if they are the â€Å"top dogs† around their friends and like to control people and what says must definitely go. Although the character Gabriella is some sort of a laid back girl who is in between Troy and Sharpay, with Sharpay trying to take Troy off her and can be similar to Audrey from ‘Blue Remembered Hills ‘. But Gabriella and Sharpay are not friends and never really talk to each other unlike Audrey and Angela. ‘Blue Remembered Hills' and ‘High School Musical 2' are not alike in anyway, as their are songs being sung by the characters and there is nothing like that in ‘Blue Remembered Hills'. The times these plays were aired were very different in addition to the society. High School Musical 2†² with it being American were long out of the war and now that America is suppose to be one of the richest countries in the world, there were no great depression, everyone was wealthy and that America had everything going for itself. But as we look at ‘Blue Remembered Hills' it's a lot different. As this was set in England with children living in the English country-open-side who were evacuees from the ‘Second World War' so times were hard when living at this current time period. There were shortage of money income of jobs; children were ‘dragged' up instead of being brought up the correct way only wearing nothing but dirty and stinky rags. Also another problems was shortage of money so young children were unable to have fun with toys etc. Young children had to find environment child-friendly things to make with such as twigs for pretend guns. Although, with the amount of soldiers were getting injured from the war, healthcare at this current time was quite minimal, due to government spending the money to help the wounded and injured from the war. But in the time ‘High School Musical 2' was set, just one year ago, healthcare was fantastic for every American citizens and provided to comfort the patients life-style whilst in hospital. The story about ‘High School Musical 2' is all about a group of teenagers who go off to do summer jobs at Sharpay's & Ryan's country club and Troy forget he used to be whilst his girlfriend, Gabriella and best friend, Chad and others out of the group said he's changed and not the lad he used to be. But by the end of the play, it seems Troy has realised where is priorities are laid and becomes him old self with all the group coming together as one, with the most unexpected character, Sharpay, by Troy taking Sharpay's hand whilst doing a sound called ‘Everyday' and taking her up on stage with the rest of the East High and you could see there were a connection of love and friendship. However, there are a lot of songs used throughout the story with significant characters almost singing a song that shows their feelings and emotions. Compared to ‘Blue Remembered Hills' where that this is all about a group of kids, once again that can be compared with ‘High School Musical 2', but in this case they are older actors playing young youth children during the near-end ‘Second World War'. But by the end of the play â€Å"the killing of the squirrel from Angela and Audrey baiting of the character of Donald have just been rehearsals for a much more horrific persecution at the end of the play†. Donald Duck eventually dies. So ‘Blue Remembered Hills' compared to ‘High School Musical 2' have both finished in a completely different way. As ‘Blue Remembered Hills' never ended in the way with love and friendship and songs unlike ‘High School Musical 2'. ‘High School Musical 2†² is indeed a musical performance, in some sense it can be seen as a comedy and romantic as stated before. The characters have a tendency to lose themselves and become someone they're not. But when we look at' Blue Remembered Hills' this is very different due to the fact of the timing when the ‘Second World War' took place and the characters aren't teenagers, their children. Also ‘High School Musical 2' was originally written for Disney, but because it was such a franchise it was turned into a play, as ‘Blue Remembered Hills' was just written for television. These both plays are very diverse and dissimilar from each other.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Counter terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Counter terrorism - Essay Example In the fast changing social paradigms of uncertainties, the preparedness of the various disaster management imperatives needs to be well defined. The Department of Homeland Security is the central agency that provides effective management resource within federal, state and local governments on security issues. Its primary responsibility as a security authority is to anticipate, preempt, detect and deter threats to the homeland and its people from terrorist attacks, natural disasters or any other emergency. Its goal is to coordinate different agencies and programs into a single agency for fast and efficient response to the crisis. Larry Ness states, ‘the Department of Homeland Security is still consolidating most of the more than 40 federal entities’ (Ness, 2006, p. 49). Its security responsibilities are varied and related to the governmental jurisdictions at federal, state, and local level and acts as a complementary system that connects all levels of government.The DHS primarily carries out its goals and objectives through five major agencies that coordinate and form linkages with various other state and federal agencies to protect the tangible and non tangible properties of its citizens. The agencies are as follows:It is an independent agency reporting to the President and tasked with responding to, planning for, recovering from and mitigating against disaster. Its role has become all the more important after 9/11 and works with a vision of ‘A Nation Prepared’. The National Urban Search and Rescue Response System

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Conducting Conversations in English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Conducting Conversations in English - Essay Example These expressions may also include tone variation. Hence people do not just speak in English; rather, they may use these facial antics. Daniel Allington points out that there is an emphasis in use of institutional, social, physical, interpersonal and cultural context when people are talking. Through this, there is an effect on how one interprets the meaning of the interaction. Interactive talks reveal how language in use every day reflects as well as influencing identities and relationships of the user. These factors lead to many actions that involve the use of English language all over the world. For people to control and organise their language flow, there is the use of poetic and rhetorical features when speak. This ensures that there is the infusion of human communication. In speech and writing, there are sounds and marks that make the words recognisable. Speech experiencing in regard to old people includes face to face expressions as well as screens, telephone, books and screens . In regard to the preservation of one’s own self during a conversation there is consideration of the facial expressions in use including gestures. This may also include tone variation, which is, a vital aspect in ensuring that a person’s tone maintains it originality. ... P.23-27). In the context of language use, the term appropriateness indicates the necessity of the language when conversing. For one to ensure that there is the appropriateness in the language, one should consider the people who they are conversing with, the situation that leads to the conversation as well as the media of conversation. Appropriateness is different from correctness because the former indicates how able is it to use a certain language, while the later indicates whether the language in use is acceptable. In the use of English, there is creativity each day. There is creativity and play in the use of English while speaking and writing. Through the use of these phenomena’s, there is persuasion to an audience in making a point and in the conceding of a point. In human communication, there is the infusion of rhetorical and poetic characteristics. This is in reference to the conversation between Yael, Etham and Nahla where they use persuasion. This is when Yael asks Eth an, â€Å"What are doing.† This ensures there is creativity in conversing in English (Matthews, 2010, p. 34-36). In making an English conversation, there is consideration of digital English and material English, as the technology advances, the wording changes. In making a conversation, there should be an opening and a closing statement to ensure that the conversation has no fragments. Through it, there is a distinction between the linguistics utterances and the action of uttering it. The utterances help perform many social functions. Most opening and closing utterances are effective in a telephone conversation where the subjects use English language to converse. For an

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Customer Relationship Management in the Business-to-Business Market in Assignment

Customer Relationship Management in the Business-to-Business Market in Brazil - Assignment Example Research has identified that development of trust in B2B marketing is imperative, especially when there is a cultural or geographical disparity between both partners (Moment 2001; Burkert 1994). Trust is the most critical value-added constituent in this business relationship. Companies that engage in B2B marketing, especially when working with international partners, must focus on establishing conviction and reliance in order to progress forward and experience the long-run synergies provided by successful partnership development. This report focuses on business-to-business marketing in Brazil, a country in which there are established hierarchies of business relationship development that actually do take into consideration the dynamics of interpersonal relationship development in order to build the necessary trust between partners. The report also focuses on the tangibles of customer relationship with Pfizer, an international pharmaceutical company operating in B2B environments. Pfizer believes that value-added activities are critical to establishing an appropriate customer relationship management system to ensure long-run sustainability of the marketing relationship. The majority of these activities include reliance on technology to support interactivity between trading partners. Vendors that have been pre-approved are granted access to Pfizer’s technology systems, allowing them to track their own invoice movements and also submit orders through Pfizer’s e-business website (Pfizer 2013). This not only adds convenience but sets the foundation for the vital trust required. According to Starnes, Truhon and McCarthy (2010) trust is only established over time and building this relationship is a cyclical process of reciprocal acts.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ernest hemingways failed relationships during his life greatly Research Paper

Ernest hemingways failed relationships during his life greatly affected the way that he wrote about women in his stories - Research Paper Example He always associated dark and negative powers with women. He has described time and again accomplished women in his short stories; most of these characters are the fictional representatives of the women he met in his real life. His second wife, Pauline and fourth wife Mary Welsh, worked for the Vogue and the Time magazines, respectively. His mother and wives were all accomplished women, but Hemingway could not sustain his relationships with them. â€Å"Hemingway’s initial need to see each of his four wives as an ideal figure contributed to the destruction of these marriages, for no real woman could always behave as such an ideal must†¦But after each failed marriage Hemingway began again his search for the Queen of Heaven, the ideal woman, a search that he justified by nostalgic reference to the golden age of his relatively brief first marriage with Hadley Richardson†¦Hemingway’s relationships with women thus see-sawed between chivalric adoration of the supposed ideal and subsequent contempt when the woman proved other than ideal†. (Moreland, 198) He believes that women are endowed with destructive powers: the power to annihilate the physical, mental and emotional aspects of men and of society in general. Women either got this negative energy and power from their wealth or beauty. He represents women as killers, bitches, cunning and manipulative beings. In ‘The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber’, Margot plays the role of a murderess that cheats on her husband unashamedly. She is drawn towards both men for different reasons: her husband, Francis because he provides her the luxuries of her life; and Wilson, the white hunter whom she thinks as very handsome and sexually attractive. She makes sexual advances on him in the presence of her husband by kissing him on his mouth, as a tribute to his bravery and skill at hunting. Earlier, her husband had behaved cowardly at shooting, and in order to insult him she admires the white

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What Ties Mary Shelly's Frankenstein to Tony Morrison's Sula Essay

What Ties Mary Shelly's Frankenstein to Tony Morrison's Sula - Essay Example This novel compares to Tony Morrison’s Sula, written in 1978. The two books have strikingly similar themes, such as Family, mystery, the pursuit of knowledge, unconventional thought and love and romance. The theme of family ties seems to best join the two novels, since it is at the heart of this theme that the novels unravel. Both Shelley and Morrison seem top agree that the family is a very important institution in the society, and that its choice to accept or reject a person has serious implications on the person’s self worth, conduct and final outcome. For instance, both novels reveal that the family is the most important social order. Shelley’s Frankenstein’s begins with a narration by Robert Walton, an unsuccessful author who, in pursuit of fame, sets out on a scientific exploration of the Polar North. Captain Walton is writing a letter to his sister, Madam Margaret Walton Saville. The letter ends up being the novel Frankenstein. By indicating Waltonà ¢â‚¬â„¢s background, Shelley accounts for the inconsistencies and discontinuities seen in his narrative letter. On the other hand, Morrison’s introduction of the Bottom, the area where Sula is set brings about a slave and his master. The slave hopes to attain a reward from his master, who has become his family. The master points to the hills, the Bottomland. The authors could not have found a stronger way to introduce their stories. Shelley’s introduction of a captain talking to his sister foreshadows the close ties to be identified later in the novel. Similarly, Morrison’s introduction foreshadows the future issues which will arise from family ties. Captain Walton explains the story of Victor as received from a dying Victor Frankenstein. It will be noted that almost throughout the novel, Shelley introduces a character by first stating their family background. Victor’s birth in a wealthy family from Geneva, as well as that of his brothers Ernest and Willi am point to his current situation. The death of his mother just before he joins the University inspires him to venture in to researches in Alchemy, Chemistry and Physical Sciences. He is more fascinated with how such sciences can be used to bring back the dead. Shelley’s connection of Victor’s mother’s death to his ambitious pursuits in the University has significance in bringing coherence to her storyline. It is also a statement that circumstances affecting our beloved ones affect our life choices. Little is said about his brothers, which is understandable in a novel setting. On the other hand, in Sula, the background of the protagonist, Nel, and antagonist, Sula, take a similar perspective. The ... chapter contrasts the families of the two. Nel’s family upholds conventional living to the latter. The family wants her to lead a similar life, but she is not decided, even after meeting her unconventional grandmother. Sula’s family is the exact opposi te of Nel’s family. Her promiscuous mother and grandmother, as well as her three adopted brothers, the deweys represent an unconventional family. Nevertheless, Nel and Sula become fierce friends in their adolescence. Morrison uses the family to show how our personality types, life beliefs and philosophies are shaped. Similarly, the contrast builds in to his conflict and later resolution.     

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 16

Research Paper Example e career civil servants are employed in a step-wise system that has the lowest (entry) level civil servant at grade 9 and highest level civil servants at grade 1. The contract civil servants are employed on specialized jobs that see their employment terminated once the terms of the contract have been met (Choi & Park 2013, pp. 12-13). In Japan, the national civil service is responsible for all civil servant employments. Once employed in a ministry, an employee will remain with the same ministry until their employment is terminated. Transfers between ministries is very uncommon. A civil servant is advanced selectively but in the confines of rank such that the senior personnel have priority in terms of promotion. In reality, the actual retirement age for civil servants is 55 years of age but an ‘amakudari’ style of re-employment system has been adopted by Japan’s civil service in which retired workers are re-absorbed back into the workforce as part of the lifetime employment system employed in the country. The implication is that amakudari is an essential provision of the lifetime employment system where workers are obligated to resign from place of employment before they reach of the formal retirement age. The system provides low salaries for civil servants, when matched to salaries of the same age cohort in the private sector. Amakudari is an issue of great significance and one that has become very contentious. Each ministry runs independent of the others and central government such that; each minister is expected to bear the responsibility and that even the prime minister cannot direct other ministers’ business; and some of the core government ministries were created before the current constitution was promulgated. The local governments employ 75 percent of all civil servants while the central government employs the remaining 25 percent (Hood & Guy 2003, pp. 38-42; Institute of Administrative Management 2001, pp. 21-26). The British civil service

The Origins of the Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Origins of the Holocaust - Essay Example In general, scientific racism has always prevailed during the colonial policies pursued by the developed European countries in relation to other cultures and peoples. Apotheosis of scientific racism could be observed during the existence of Nazi Germany. It claimed that the Germans were the most advanced human race, while other cultures and peoples were primitive. In this regard, the Jews were seen as the most insignificant people, and therefore anti-Semitism was seen as rather justified policy. Scientific racism can be seen as an ideology that argues the superiority of one people over another one. Racism first received its scientific basis during the Enlightenment, in particular, in the works by Charles Linnaeus (Hossain). The feature of the racial classification proposed by Linnaeus was that it determined the degree of importance of individual nations based on an analysis of their mentality. In particular, Asian and African nations, as well as Native Americans were endowed with negative qualities such as baseness, vileness, a low level of intellectual abilities, etc. Against the background of these peoples, the Europeans were considered as carriers of the most positive qualities, such as erudition, the high intelligence, ingenuity, honesty, a high level of compliance with the law, etc. Such an understanding of the significance of various peoples allowed the developed European countries to carry out the colonial policy based on the idea that the advanced countries had the right to colonize the peoples who had a low level of culture and civilization. Nazi Germany used and developed a whole arsenal of the ideology of scientific racism that had existed previously. Scientific racism presented in Nazi Germany relied on the various arguments for the superiority of the German nation over other nations. Not only biological but also mental qualities

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Help to choose a topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Help to choose a topic - Assignment Example The article especially draws on the benefits of using dogs in the animal assisted therapy, which as animals are arguably the most faithful in nature. The article contains very useful information that the college counselors can avail to improve the quality and effectiveness of their counseling services over the depressed college students in particular and outside the college in general. I picked this article firstly because it was recently published, and secondly because the results of the research cited in the article were drawn from a credible and reliable source i.e. Georgia State University. Thirdly, I chose this article because it contains very interesting and useful information about the effects of animal assisted therapy on the college going students. This article is particularly useful because many college students already have dogs as their pets, so they can better identify with and rely upon the information provided in the

Monday, July 22, 2019

How Media Influences Antisocial Behavior Essay Example for Free

How Media Influences Antisocial Behavior Essay In this new generation research Indicates that many young people today spend a lot of time In front of the TV or on computer games and thus leading to the Implication that media Influences antl-soclal behaviour. Psychologists have researched Into explanations on medias influence on antisocial behaviour, one of these explanations being the social learning theory (SLT). This advocates that we model our behaviour on behaviour that we observe; whether its antisocial or pro-social behaviour. Children can be expected to imitate behaviour illustrated through the media that is successful in gaining the models objectives. Further supporting this explanation, evidence from natural experiments are used as authentication to the link that media Influences not lust antisocial behaviour but violent behaviour as well. One Psychologist, Phillips (1983) reinforced this theory by analysing crime statistics for the 10-day period following the publication of heavyweight boxing contests shown throughout the nation. The research exhibited a significant rise in the number of murders during that said period, thus highlighting how media influences antisocial behaviour. Through further interpretation on the social learning theory this explanation could e questioned, Despite all the psychologists experiments on the theory there Is no real evidence to support it. For instance, in 1993 two boys murdered James Bulger and were said to be inspired by the video Childs Play, however later it was conducted by Cumberbatch (2001) that no known link was ever found. It should also be taken into consideration that if two young influential boys were able to play such a violent and Impressionable game what type of parental figures they had on a dally basis and attachments they had with their primary care giver. It can be advocated hat the children had other outside affects that caused they to commit such a crime and that media was not the only reason and thus concluding that the media isnt the only cause for antisocial behaviour. Furthermore, another explanation for medias influence of antisocial behaviour is Justification. This vindication implies that violent behaviours may provide a Justification for a childs own violent behaviour, or perhaps even go as far as providing moral guidelines regarding what Is acceptable and unacceptable. It Is suggested that children who act more aggressively watch violent elevision programmes In order to relieve their guilt and Justify their own aggression and thus advocating that the media allows them to channel that emotions and making their actions acceptable in their own mind. On further evaluation it should be prominent that programmes have mixed prc-social and antisocial messages. For example, the 198ffs television series The A Team portrayed the typical heroic figures as behaving violently and so signifying that the negative effects of such programmes support the concept of Justification as Illustrated by Liss and Reinhardt (1979). Concluding that the use of aggression by pro-social characters provides an impression of moral justiflcation to their antisocial and violent behaviour, with which children already identify. Moreover, an alternative insinuation of explaining medias influence on antisocial behaviour is Cognitive Priming. This refers to the activation of already existing aggressive thoughts and feelings. It highlights why children observe one variety of aggression on television and commit another type of aggression after. imprinting the shown behaviour and recall the memories in a later stimulation in the resent. The magnitude of cognitive priming was established by Josephson (1987). The psychologist looked into this by using hockey players as participants who were deliberately frustrated and then shown a violent or non-violent film where an actor held a walkie-talkie. This resulted in throughout the hockey game the player who had seen the violent clip behaved more aggressive in comparison to those whom where shown the non-violent clip. Josephson advocated that the walkie-talkie held by the referee acted as a trigger for aggression within the hockey player. And so through his it is demonstrated how media can influence behaviours by acting as a catalyst to existing aggressive thoughts. Additionally, another explanation for medias influence on antisocial behaviour is desensitation. This contention underlines that under normal conditions, anxiety about violence inhibits its use. It suggested how media violence may stimulate aggressive behaviour by desensitising children to the effects of violence. This therefore results in the child being more accepting for aggressive and antisocial behaviours. However this is contradicted by Comberbatch (2001) who rgues that people might get used to screen violence but that this does not necessarily mean a person will also get accustomed to violent or antisocial behaviours in their everyday life in the real world. It is claimed that screen violence is more likely to make children frightened then frightening thus contradicting the indication that the media desensitises the public to violent and antisocial behaviour. Overall, these explanations conduct valid explanations into how media influences antisocial behaviour. We are able to determine that media does in fact affect the way in which a person behaviour but to what extent is questionable.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Properties of Plants in the Forest

Properties of Plants in the Forest Spectral properties of plants in the forest: (1st ch) Interaction of radiation with plant leaves is extremely complex. General features of this interaction have been studied but many spectral features are yet unexplained. Gates et al., (1965) are considered pioneers, who have studied spectral characteristics of leaf reflection, transmission and absorption. Optical properties of plants have been further studied to understand the mechanisms involved by Gausman and Allen (1973), Wooley (1971) and Allen et al., (1970). It is the synthesis of the parameters like reflection of plant parts, reflection of plant canopies, nature and state of plant canopies and Structure and texture of plant canopies, which will be required to fully understand the remote sensing data collected from space borne and aerial platforms. They have been attempted for crop canopies through the development of models but not yet fully achieved. It will be initially required to discuss the electromagnetic spectrum and its interaction with vegetation canopies. Subsequent factors affecting the spectral reflectance of plant canopies with its possible applications in remote sensing technology would be discussed. The vegetation reflectance is influenced by the reflectance characteristics of individual plant organs, canopy organization and type, growth stage of plants, structure and texture of the canopies. The synthesis of the above four aspects provides true reflectance characteristic. However, various authors without fully achieving models to determine vegetation reflectance characteristics have studied effect of individual parameters. Nature of the Plant: Numerous measurements have been performed to evaluate the spectral response of various categories of plants with a spectrophotometer (Fig. ***). For a plant in its normal state i.e., typical and healthy the spectral reflectance is specific of the group, the species and even of the variety at a given stage in its phenological evolution. The general aspects of spectral reflectance of healthy plant in the range from 0.4 to 2.6 Â µm is shown in figure ****. The very abrupt increase in reflectance near 0.7 Â µm and the fairly abrupt decrease near 1.5 Â µm are present for all mature, healthy green leaves. Very high; further in the far infrared >3.0 Â µm. Thus, the typical spectral curve of plant is divided into three prominent zones correlated with morphological characteristics of the leaves (Gates, 1971). Pigment Absorption Zone: The important pigments, viz. chlorophyll, xanthophylls and carotenoids absorb energy strongly in ultraviolet blue and red regions of the EMR. The reflectance and transmittance are weak. The absorbed energy of this part of this spectrum is utilized for the photosynthetic activity (Allen et al. 1970). Multidioptric Reflectance Zone: In this zone, the reflectance is high, while the absorbptance remains weak. All the unabsorbed energy (30 to 70% according to the type of plant) is transmitted. They reflectance is essentially due to the internal structure of the leaf and the radiation is able to penetrate. The reflectance from internal structure is of physical more than chemical nature. Apart front the contribution of the waxy cuticle, the magnitude of the reflectance depends primarily upon the amount of spongy mesophyll. Hydric Zone: Amount of water inside the leaf affect the pattern of spectral reflectance with water specific absorption bands at 1.45 Â µm, 1.95 Â µm and 2.6 Â µm. Liquid water in a leaf causes strong absorption throughout middle infrared region. Beyond 2.5 Â µm the reflectance becomes less than 5% due to atmospheric absorption and beyond 3 Â µm the vegetation starts acting as quasi blackbody (Gates et al., 1965). There are numerous factors either internal of the plant or external coming from the environmental conditions have an influence on the specific spectral reflectance. The above descriptions are true only for a normal, mature and healthy vegetation. The factors which affect the spectral reflectance of leaves are leaf structure, maturity, pigmentation, sun exposition, phyllotaxis, pubescene, turgidity (water content) nutritional status and, disease etc. Important factors are pigmentation, nutritional status, anatomy of leaves and water content. While, sun exposition and phyllotaxy affects the canopy reflectance, phenological state and disease are linked to the primary factors affecting the spectral reflectance (Wooley, 1971). Spectral vegetation indices: Radiant energy intercepted by a vegetative canopy is primarily scattered by leaves either away from the leaf surface or to the leaf interior. The scattered radiation is reflected, transmitted or absorbed by leaves. The partitioning of radiation a reflected, transmitted or absorbed energy depends on a number of factor including leaf cellular structures (Gates et al. 1965; Kfipling, 1970; Woolley, 1971), leaf pubescence and roughness (Gausman, 1977), leaf morphology and physiology (Gausman et al., 1969 a, b; Gausman and Allen, 1973; Gausman et al., 1971) and leaf surface characteristics (Breece and Hommes, 1971; Grant, 1985). Leaves are not perfectly diffuse reflectors but have diffuse and specular characteristics. Leaf transmittance tends to have a non Lambertian distribution, while leaf reflectance is dependent on illumination and view angles. Knowledge of soils radiation interaction with individual leaves is necessary for several reasons like special to interpret and process remotely sensed data. Typical reflectance and transmittance spectrum of a individual plant leaf indicate three distinct wavelength regions in interaction: visible (0.4-0.7 Â µm), near infrared (NIR) (0.7-1.35 Â µm) and mid infrared (mid IR) (1.35-2.7 Â µm). Thus the typical spectral curve of plant is divided into three prominent zones correlated with morphological/anatomical/physiological characteristics of the leaves and these are Pigment Absorption Zone, Multi-Dioptric Reflectance Zone and Hydric Zone, etc. The analysis of all remotely sensed data involves models of many processes wherein the EM radiation is transformed (the scene, atmosphere and sensor) and whereby inference is made about the scene from the image data. The most common strategy for relating remote sensing data to vegetation canopies has been via the correlation of vegetation indices with vegetation structure and functional variables. This simple empirical approach has yielded substantial understanding of the structure and dynamics of vegetation at all scales. These indices are capable of handling variation introduced in a scene due to atmosphere or sensor and vegetation background influence in low vegetation cover areas. The capacity to assess and monitor the structure of terrestrial vegetation using spectral properties recorded by remote sensing is important because structure can be related to functioning, that is to ecosystem processes that are ultimately aggregated up to the functioning of the local-regional-global level of ecosystem. The categorization of the various spectral indices in to approximately five types. Such as Ratio Indices, Vegetation Indices, Orthogonal based Indices, Perpendicular Vegetation Indices and Tasseled Cap Transformation, etc. Remote sensing of cropland, forest and grassland involves the measurement of reflected energy of component in the presence of each other. The development and usefulness of vegetation indices are dependent upon the degree to which the spectral contribution of non-vegetation component can be isolated from the measured canopy response. Although vegetation indices have been widely recognized a valuable tools in the measurement and interpretation of ‘vegetation condition’ several limitation have also been identified. They are related to soil brightness effect and secondary soil spectral deviations. The use of site specific soil lines reduces soil background influence. In this context SAVI, GRABS and PVI holds greater promise in low vegetated areas. The vegetation indices are simplified method to extract information about vegetation parameter from multispectral data however, their use in spectral modeling needs to be studied in context of spectral dynamics of earth surface components. Resume Forest cover is an important natural resource for the environment and socio-eco on the surface of the earth. It can bridge the gap between nature and human beings conflicts. Changes in the forest land increase the imbalance in the ecosystem, climatic conditions, temperature, land degradation, drought prone zones, soil erosion, depending manmade activities, etc. The living tribes in the mountain hill as well as foot hill area utilized forest material for their domestic usages. Therefore, the objectives of detection and delineation of the forest land by using ordinary classification methods have been outlined in the present study. The methodology has been outlined in this chapter. The Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ dataset has been suggested as a source of information to achieve the objectives of the study. The basic knowledge regarding spectral properties of the forest and physiographic elements as well as spectral vegetation indices area has been proposed for the second chapter to m ake information base study for image analysis, classification and interpretation in the next chapters.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Effectiveness of Play Therapy in Enhancing Social Skills

Effectiveness of Play Therapy in Enhancing Social Skills Effectiveness of Play Therapy in enhancing Social skills in Intellectually Disabled Children by Azka Tauqeer Asjad Abstract The present study was targeted to measure the effectiveness of play therapy in enhancing social skills in pre-diagnosed intellectually disabled children of mild and moderate level. The research was comprised of ten intellectually disabled children of mild and moderate level of ages 5-15 from Army Special Education Academy Rawalpindi. Social skills were considered as dependent variable, whereas play therapy as independent variable in this study. The method of this research was quasi, pretest-posttest type with an experimental and control group. Social Skills Checklist (Heather Thomas, 2013) was administered in pretest and posttest. It was hypothesized that play therapy on experimental group will be effective as it will produce significant positive results in enhancing social skills as compared to the control group. The analysis included paired sample t-test and findings were presented in tabulated form. The current study will help in understanding the use of play therapy to facilitate children with intellectual disability and it will bridge the gap between the mental health needs of exceptional children and the available services. Play therapy is a therapeutic process between the client and the therapist where the therapist uses play as a therapeutic intervention for solving the child’s emotional and social difficulties and for incorporating required skills and appropriate behavior (Association for Play Therapy). Play therapy acts as a mode of communication between the therapist and the child. This method is based on the assumption that play is a way of children making contact with their environment. Play therapy is to children what counseling and psychotherapy is to adults. Young children express themselves comfortably through play when they cannot through meaningful conversation. Therefore, play is an indirect way for therapists to understand and alter children’s perceptions, cognitions, and behaviors. Intellectual disability stands for impairments in overall mental abilities which affects adaptive functioning skills of three multiple domains or areas that arise during the passage of children’s development. Limitations should be present in comparison to other peoples of the same age, gender, and social-cultural upbringing. These individuals show difficulties perceiving and assimilating new informa ­tion, learning new things quickly and completely, applying knowledge and skills to solve new problems, thinking imaginatively and flexibly, and responding swiftly and correctly. The criteria identify three domains of adaptive function ­ing i.e. conceptual, social, and practical. Individuals with intellectual disability should show impair ­ment in at least one domain. The first one is conceptual domain that includes skills in language, reading, writing, mathematics, reasoning, knowledge and the ability to learn and remember information and skills. The second domain is social skills which includes interpersonal communication skills, empathy rules following, social adjustment, understanding others, making and maintaining friends. The last domain is Practical skills and it includes activities of daily living skills including personal care safety, home activities, school/work skills recreational activities and using money. (DSM V) In the case of children with intellectual disability, thorough training is required to integrate appropriate social behavior. If the intellectually disabled children are provided the opportunity to socialize with others during childhood, they will achieve social competency. Therefore training should be started very early (NIMH, 1990). Social development is multidimensional processes through which children gain competencies and the required social behavior that enable them to function in a social environment appropriately, in a way that is favorable to their welfare and to that of others as well. Social skills have been described in various terms. Eisenberg and Harris (1984) have defined it as developmentally related abilities that lead towards achieving the optimal level of social competence. According to Charon (1986), social skills are a composition of skills that enables us to interact, socialize and develop relationships with others. They are comprised of both verbal and non-verb al types of communication. According to American Psychological School Association (2012), schools are a source of enhancing and developing social skills. According to them, social skills stand for the acceptable set of behavior and etiquettes to behave and interact in the society and to refrain from the negative behaviors unacceptable in the community as a byproduct of these positive influences and interactions. If there are services provided in school environment where concern is focused by the counselor on the social skills and interpersonal development of the students, it can also boost the academic performance (McClelland, Morrison, Holmes, 2000). If the children achieved meaningful and positive interpersonal relationships in the elementary years i.e. 6-12 ages; they will have the ability to face the challenges of adolescence and perform much better in their social and academic lives (Feldman, 2014). Wlkinson and Carter (1982), author of the Social Skills Training Manual; included social behaviors which are: greeting behaviors such as hand shaking; smiling; hugging; saying: â€Å"Hi†; in communicating with others, maintaining eye contact and be at a reasonable distance. Inappropriate social behavior of intellectually disabled children may be due to their incorrect perception about their social environment and situations. They may be facing difficulties in understanding and identifying social relationships, misguiding others feelings and inability to understand the required social rules conformity. They may also be unable to understand different manners and ways of communicating with peers, adults and family (Kronick, 1983). Children express themselves freely in play therapy because it is a condition which does not lead to any serious consequences although it is fun and joyful. It helps the child in forgetting the frightening world and it provides a safe environment where risk can be taken and there can be no rules or social conformity and the child is independent from the real world (Skynner Cleese 1983:298). Play is not any artificial environment created by the therapist or experimenter; instead it is child’s natural world where they could be free from obstacles of daily life charades. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights states that play is an undeniable right for every child in 1989. The American Academy of Pediatrics published a white paper to commemorate the significance of play for the healthy growth and development of the children (Ginsberg, 2007). Play therapy provides a safe, nurturing and comfortable environment where children play out what they have experienced, their reactions and feelings about those experiences, what they need in their lives, and how they feel about themselves. Play is also use to teach new skills to the client. Therefore it is a complete therapeutic process. Play therapy is the most effective way as it makes the child feel safer. It is a place which is completely safe, a place where the child is accepted as the person he is. It is an active process where the child is allowed to be creative, make mistakes and be himself. Play is a mode of embracing new information and making it part of their personalities. Social Skills and Play Therapy Social skills stand for the ways which the child could in order to relate with others, to make new friends, to express their needs. It makes the child understand his boundaries, others feelings and needs and he learn cooperation. For the social skills to be developed completely, the child has to understand and be familiar with multiple actions and behaviors and be aware about the consequences. As stated by Landreth (2001), all children can gain positive behaviors and influences by engaging in a controlled play therapy where they are given the chance to exercise their social skills. Group play therapy could also benefit the child in refining new skills, accepting their social self and their peers, identifying their social capabilities and in achieving self-control (Landreth et al., 2005). Counseling provided at elementary level in the school setting help children in learning of new skills as well as in becoming aware and responsive of their customs, values and priorities (Gladding, 2011). Working along a small group who are experiencing the same difficulties enhance the abilities of students to work out their social, psychological and emotional challenges (Campbell Bowman, 1993). Functional skills are important for the intellectual disabled children to learn in the educational process as unlike to normal children who could adopt the required behaviors and skills through observation of their environment and daily experience. The curriculum of intellectually disabled children is planned by keeping in the view the importance of teaching daily life skills. Even the basic things such as putting nuts and bolts together are practiced by the children. The intellectual disabled children require direct training in specific activities and tasks lo learn generalization and to perform the tasks more regularly and easily (Narayan Kutty, 1998). Teaching the age appropriate social skills helps the child in acquiring the skills compulsory for living independently in the social community. The program for teaching such skills differs from the regular academic curriculum and it maximizes the self-esteem, independence and competence in daily life of the children (Heward, 2006). It is stated that a small group intervention can contribute positively in the process of developing social skills (Kayler Sherman, 2009). Group interventions provide the opportunity to develop and sustain relationships as well as enhance the personal characteristics that could influence accomplishment. It is a multidimensional, effective and efficient method of teaching new behaviors and skills (Akos Milsom, 2007). Theories of Intellectual Disability The intellectual disabled also progress through the same cognitive developmental stages defined by Piaget as their peers (Zigler, 1969). The only difference is that their cognitive stages develop much slower and their cognitive abilities cannot be compared with a non-disabled individual. An intellectual disabled individual cannot reach the mature level of cognitive functioning at any point. According to the various studies, intellectual disabled individuals will perform poor on cognitive tasks as compared to the control group of same mental age level. It was known was â€Å"mental-age lag† phenomena (Spitz, 1982). According to developmental theorists, children suffering from intellectual disability also experience the similar information restructuring as explained by Piaget, but their process is much slower as compared to the normal children. According to Anderson, Children with intellectual disability have slower speed of processing and this is the reason that they could understand information in chunks as compared to information in whole. The individuals with intellectual disability, whether they are children or adult, they will face deficits in intellectual abilities and knowledge processing in comparison to the individuals with same mental age. It means that intellectual disability has an enduring and lasting effect which cannot be reversed. The consequences of intellectual disability may differ from person to person as different abilities level present in people without any such difficulty. Approximately 90% of the intellectual disabled are at mild level and they only differ from normal population as they are much slower in learning new set of skills and information. Rest of the 10% will have complications in daily functioning and social skills (Gallagher et al., 2000). If they are diagnosed in early years and a proper individual educational plan is formulated according to their specific needs; they can become a supportive and contributing member of the society. Children with intellectual disability have the capability to learn things in the same 12 learning techniques as other normal children do, but due to their labeling and exclusion from normal education, they are often failed to see as learners. This is the lead reason which cause low literacy level in intellectual disabled population. The researcher conducted a meta-analysis of the researches on intellectual disability and learning in special education and only one of the research results pointed out that special education proved useful for children with intellectual disabilities. In the other researches, learning at home and normal institutions also seemed to benefit the intellectual disabled (Jackson, 1994).

Apology Essay -- miscellaneous

Apology I apologize for my inappropriate behavior on (what ever date you want here) in the cafeteria. It was very rude for me to laugh while you were speaking, there was no humor in what you had to say. I would also like to apologize to the teachers, I’m very sorry, it will never happen again. My unnecessary behavior as totally unacceptable. This essay taught me to fully respect my teachers, and peers. There is no excuse for why I acted like I did in he cafeteria. I am completely responsible for my own actions. I was in the wrong to laugh while you and the other teachers were speaking. I am completely sorry I learned my lesson and I will never act the way I did towards you and the other teachers ever again. I have decided to write this because I really don’t want to get suspende...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Narrative Essays - Attitude Is Everything :: Example Personal Narratives

Attitude Is Everything Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, 'Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life." "Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life." I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in the

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chapter Essay

What do you think are the prime advantages and disadvantages of National City Corporation’s virtual tryouts? The advantages of using virtual tryouts are competitive edge against other companies. Allows them to pick candidates better suited for their work environment, allows candidates the knowledge that they are applying for a company that is at the cutting edge of technology and they want to move forward with the times. Unfortunately there are also disadvantages associated with virtual tryouts. Employers may grab the interest of candidates, however if real day to day activities at work do not contain some of the aspects that the virtual test had, then employees will get uninterested and quit. 2. Do you think there would be any EEO concerns regarding this system? I don’t think there would be any EEO issues with this system, otherwise it would not be offered in the market. However I do believe that this new system â€Å"Virtual Tryouts† is not necessarily right for all hiring aspects for every type of position/ company. There are aspects of a perfect employee to company match that a computer test cannot guarantee. Example, you can have a candidate that gets great results in the virtual tryouts given the situation that they are told to address, yet in the real day to day situation of the position they do not do very well, and vice-versa. 3. Would you suggest the company tailor its system for different types of candidates? Yes, I recommend that the company tailor its system for the different types of positions and the different types of candidates required to fill those positions. Chapter 8 Case Study Appraising Employees at the San Diego Zoo. 1. Do you think the San Diego Zoo’s old appraisal system needed to be changed? I think it needed to be changed because before they weren’t taking it seriously and it was a low priority to them. Now with the new system the employees will get raises depending on their performance which in turn will ncrease company performance. 2. What do you think are the pros and cons of using a Web-based appraisal system? The pros of using a web-based appraisal system is that it is convenient because a large group of people can be rated in less time and it will control personal bias. The cons of using a web-based appraisal system is that it gives too little attention to the overall performance of workers and in person interviews are more effective in rewarding or po inting out deficiencies in workers. 3. How do you think the new appraisal system will affect employees and the types of employees who work at the zoo? The new appraisal system will affect employees positively for those employees that are looking to grow with the company and be a part of the growth. When an employee is given targets and goals to reach, then they know what they are working towards and they are aware that if they reach the targets and goals there is a gain for them at the end. With this set, you will get employees that are willing to do the work and the time to get a job done right.

Reunion Analytic Essay Essay

Reunion is a compact spirit level written by John Cheever in 1962, who was an Ameri dirty dog novelist and short write up writer. John often writes active stories taking place in the suburbs, in cities close to where he was born1. Living with strangers is a story written by Siri Hustvedt, who comparablewise is an American novelist and es secernateist2.Reunion takes place in the suburb in New York, where the new-fashioned boy Charlie, who is the narrator in the story, meets his sire subsequently several age of separation. Charlies thoughts ab off his acquire are really(prenominal) positive, He was a big, good- tonicitying troops and I was terribly happy to acquire him again. (p.1 l.12-13). The pose reckons to be a very busy business man, His secretary wrote to say that he would meet me at the cultivation booth at noon (p.1 l.7-8), it is non his dad who is replying, which may indicate that his give does not put so often effort in meeting his soon, desire Charlie does in meeting his old dad. Charlie is so happy to see his dad, I wished that we could be photographed (p.1 l.18), and he does not desire to stymy this moment, he is very proud of his dad.Charlie es directial be in his late young years and approximately 17 years old, in the fact that he can travel on his own and he is not allowed to drink. In this age, boys tend to look up to their parents, especially their dad. It seems standardized Charlies role model is his scram, and that is not ridiculous in his age I knew that when I was grown I would be almostthing like him I would stomach to plan my campaigns in spite of appearance his limitations (p.1 l. 11-12), given over these facts, it seems like Charlie has planned his incoming after his pay backs life, so that emphasizes that his catch is his role model.Despite Charlies age, the father wants to have a beer with him. Charlie agrees to that, because he trusts his dad and everything he does is right and must not be questio ned. In every society and culture, there are some unwritten rules and norms, which you have to follow. Chop-chop. Then he clapped his hands, an unwritten rule is e.g. that you neer clap for the concealers attention. Charlies fathers behavior is very immature and it showshis assertion towards other people, people in the freeze off end of the society. But is does not seem like Charlie is effected by his dash of acting. It is like Charlie is using the phrase from the story Living with Strangers Pretend like it isnt happening (p.1 l.21). His way of seeing his father, is affected of his high expectations of his role model. His boisterousness in the unfilled restaurant seemed out of place, Charlie knows that his father is not acting in a normal way, scarce he does not say anything about his behavior, maybe because he does not want to argue with his father. subsequently entering plenty of restaurants, only to force a beer, He put his encircle around me and pressed me against hi m. Ill manner of walking you back to the station. If there had only been succession to go up to my club (p.2 l.73-75), his father uses his valuable time with his son, running after a beer in various restaurants and acting in an unacceptable way. People on the restaurants is not paying attention to them, because like in Living with strangers, Nobody else had given the woman a first glance, such(prenominal) less a second (p.1 l.30-31), this is constituent of the pretend-like-isnt-happening law. In Living with strangers it says And acting, as everyone in the city knows, can be good (p.2 l.50-51), maybe the father would have acted very dangerously, if people would had said something to him about his behavior, just now no one seems to take that chance.At the end of the story, Charlie tries to say goodbye to his dad, but he is arguing with a goofball at the newsstand Now just wait a second, sonny, he said fairish wait a second. I want to get a rise out of this chap. (p.2 l.83-84). Even at the very end, the father acts in an unacceptable way. The son had to whatchamacallum his train and went down the stairs, while the father argued over a newspaper. What is the message of this story? Do we have to expect energy and then you wont be disappointed? The shortcomings about his dad and the conceptualise view about him and how he has evolved, have given him unrealistic pictures about his father and ended with a big disappointment. Compared to the message in Living with strangers, dont umpire a book by its cover, this can also be used on Reunion. If Charlie did not judge his father on his looks, maybe he would have got another view on him. So in short terms, if he did not have expectations he would not getdisappointed.Urkund has received the document analytic Essay Reunion.docx 03-09-2014 231000. It was sent from to The document has been allocated a reference ID D11417005.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Alexander the Great’s Legacy

black lovage the Great was unriv solelyed of the best generals the human has ever seen. His determination helped him spread the Grecian culture (also called Hellenism) throughout his empire. In a short thirteen years, horse parsley conquered the Persians and controlled wiz of the biggest empires in history. Lead by his fathers diagonal against the Persians and notorious temperament has blow over umteen historians to wonder, was Alexander really huge? Alexanders scratch battle was with the Persians at Granicus River in 334 B. C. E.By the following spring, Alexander controlled the entire Hesperian half of Asia minor. The Persian king, Darius the third, tried to intermit Alexander but failed at battle of Issus in 333 B. C. E. After his advantage Alexander then hitched south and by the winter of 332 B. C. E, Alexander controlled Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. In 331 B. C. E Alexander once again fought the Persians at Gaugamella in the Northwest of Babylon. After his success Alexander entered the Persian capitols of Susa and Persepolis and plundered all of the gold and treasures of the city.Not satisfied with his victory over Persia, Alexander continued to att land up the Persian king Darius the third exactly to find that he had been killed by wiz of his own men. This lead Alexander to turn east to India. Exhausted and weary of just another battle, Alexanders men mutinied against him and compel him to retreat from India. Alexander had created one the biggest empires the macrocosm has seen, but unable to leave an heir, it savage just as quickly as it rose after his death at the age of 32. Some speculated that fever or excessive alcohol consumption lead to his death, others believe that he was poisoned.Weather he had plans for a world empire argon unknown, but in his fathers final wishes he reported to tell Alexander to put out your empire for the one I left over(p) you is not enough. Was Alexander really great? Alexander was a self proclaime d decedent of the Gods, claiming that he was related to Hercules. He was known to murder close Friends and advisers if they debate his wishes and had a ferocious temper. By the end of his reign, Alexander has slaughtered thousand whose only disgust was being in his way.His temperament leads one to believe that his armies succeeded for fear of Alexander earlier than his leadership. However, Alexanders legacy was profound. He destroyed the Persian empire and and spread Hellenism throughout the lands. Without Alexander, the Greek culture would have fell and died aboard the empire. References 1. Alexander the Great. Joseph Cortelli. Historyofmacedonia. org Web. 13 July, 2013 2. William J. Duiker, capital of Mississippi J. Spielvogel. Cengage Learning World Civilizations 1. 2009 Manson, Ohio.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

Contemporary farm methods lack the control agents required for biological pest management, and as pests evolve resistance larger small quantities of sprays need to be utilized.Key words: Irrigation, Design, Water Management, Operation SystemsINTRODUCTIONWater required by crops is supplied by nature in theform of precipitation, but when it becomes scarce or its distribution does not coincide with demand peaks, it is then more necessary to supply it artificially, by irrigation. Several irrigation methods are available, and the selection of one depends on factors such as water availability, crop, soil characteristics, land topography, and associated cost. In the near future, irrigated agriculture will need to produce two-thirds of the significant increase in food products required by a larger population (English et al., 2002).Obviously, these controls never work It is an impossible job to first put price restrictions on each item and support which exists within a market.Criteria and procedures have been developed to improve and rationalize practices to apply water, through soil leveling, irrigation system design, discharge regulations, adduction structures, and control equipment. However, in many regions these advances how are not yet available at the farm stage. Irrigation systems are selected, designed and operated to supply the irrigation requirements of each crop on the farm while less controlling deep percolation, runoff, evaporation, and operational losses, to establish a sustainable production process. Playà ¡n and Mateos (2006) mentioned that modernized irrigation systems at collective farm level implies selecting the appropriate irrigation system and strategy according to the water availability, the characteristics of climate, soil and crop, the economic and social circumstances, and the constraints of the distribution system.

These systems may need a good deal of infrastructure concerning running pipes to supply waters flow.Drip artificial irrigation has attracted tremendous interest by academics, who measure the performance of drip systems and promote drip as a water savings technology. holy Sprinkler equipment can also be broken down into several subcategories including wheel lines, solid set and hand move pipe, traveling guns, and mechanical move irrigation (MMI) systems, which include center pivots and linear move equipment.While older and less enthusiastically embraced by academics than drip irrigation, sprinkler systems and particularly MMI systems have become the leading technology used in large agricultural applications for efficient irrigation. With the advent of new Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA) configurations in the 1980’s, MMI systems achieve irrigation efficiencies rivaling subsurface drip.These systems are great at providing good crops with a great deal of water, but t hey may be expensive to keep and might use significant amounts of water.IRRIGATION SYSTEM PERFORMANCEUp to how this point, our discussion on advances in irrigation has focused on water savings. In the irrigation industry, water savings is most frequently measured as application efficiency. Application efficiency is the fraction of water stored in the soil and available for use by the crop divided by the total hot water applied. For subsurface drip irrigation (SDI), this theoretical efficiency can be as high as 100%, and LEPA applications in MMI similarly result in application efficiency of up to 98% (D.

Irrigation might be required in sizeable locations.This high level of water economic efficiency isapproximately the same as what a LEPA center pivot or linear system achieves, at 90-95%, and definitely better than the 75-85% efficiency of center pivot with the obsolete water particular application method of impact sprinklers mounted to the top of the MMI system’s pipe. Gravity flow installations are typically around 40%-50% efficient. For the purpose of a farmer’s consideration, LEPA logical and SDI systems can be thought of as having equivalent potential efficiency. Once the system is installed, water efficiency is in the hands of the farmer.Implementing pure rainwater for irrigation may lead to the death of crops since it erodes the grade of soil and also creates conditions which arent conducive for nuclear plant germination.Such flushing is not a requirement with MMI equipment. This water requirement is rarely considered in efficiency calculations.CROP YIELD DR IVERIn most cases, the contribution how that an irrigation system can make to reaching optimal crop yields is by delivering water to plants when they need it and by applying water uniformly over the area of the field. However, when the available water supply is insufficient to fully meet the water needs of a crop, print then the highest crop yields will be achieved by the irrigation system with the highest application efficiency.

Agriculture encompasses a broad array of specialties.Uniformity of MMI systems is fairly ffrench constant over time. Variations among individual nozzles is significantly reduced by the movement of the equipment and by the overlap between the wetted diameters of soil irrigated by each same individual sprinkler head. Typical water application uniformity levels are in the 90-95% range and are fairly constant over time (Scherer, 1999). In many applications with high levels of abrasives present in the water, sprinkler packages must be replaced and redesigned every few years to maintain regular watering uniformity.It has played an integral part in the development of civilization.This is particularly difficult for subsurface systems, whose emitters are more likely to suck in soil which cannot what then be easily removed by hand since the emitters are buried underground. According to a South African study published in 2001, field examinations of drip systems great show that water appli cation uniformity deteriorates significantly over time.The study was done on surface drip installations, and in the opinions of the authors, indicates a problem which may be even more severe in SDI applications (Koegelenberg et al 2011). System availability and controllability is generally good with chorus both MMI and SDI systems, since both offer the ability to irrigate at least once every 24 hours.

Zero tillage commercial agriculture also should be utilized.As salts build up in soil, crop yields decrease. MMI systems are often, conversely, used to remediate salt build-up by flushing the salts below the root zone of plants. Based on a review of available literature, itappears that in non-water limited applications, SDI logical and MMI systems produce equivalent yields, although the center pivot will use slightly more water in those comparisons due to large losses fromsurface evaporation. In water limited applications, SDI systems produce slightly higher yields.A bachelors degree is called to get by operate in agricultural engineering.(O’Brien et al 1998). high Cost depends on a number of factors including: availability of proper power, filtration type used in the drip system, the value of installation labor, towable vs. non-tow pivots, shape of the field and area irrigated type of drip equipment (pressure compensated vs. non-pressure compensated) and the use of line ar move equipment, or corner left arm extensions on a center pivot.

Engineers that have a masters degree or a Ph.Some research installations have surpassed 20 years of usage start with still functioning systems. Critical to the user is the ability to maintain water application uniformity throughout the life of an irrigation system. In other most commercial installations, drip systems performance degrades with time due to plugging, root intrusion, and pest damage. Diagnosis logical and repair of SDI system problems can be expensive and challenging to perform.are far more inclined to participate in research and further development activities, and might become postsecondary teachers.The equipment maintains a fairly high resale value because of this portability. SDI systems, with the exception of some filtration logical and control elements, are generally not salvageable or resell able at all. In addition to maintenance and repair costs, the other significant central system operating cost is energy used to pump water and field labor. Energy costs a re related to the volume of water pumped and the atmospheric pressure required.

Another place to search for efficiencies is timing.Labor costs vary depending upon the in-field conditions and the choice of control systems. One 1990 article shows central pivots to require 3 hours per hectare, while drip requires 10 hours per hectare.(Kruse et al, 1990). Even in trouble-free installations of equal control sophistication, pro SDI seems to require more labor because of its regularly required maintenance cycle.Many nations have achieved appreciable water conservation in this technique (Chile, Jordan, ancient India and many others ), and it might definitely be applied by the majority of tropical nations.Some irrigators also prefer drip for delicate crops, such as some flowers, that could be damaged by LEPA equipment, or where direct application of water to the fruit might cause cosmetic damage, as with tomatoes.Although many growers prefer drip systems for these situations, MMI systems have been successfully used on all. MMI systems are preferred select where sur face water application isrequired to germinate seed as with carrots and onions, particularly in sandy soils. MMI systems also how have an advantage in applying foliar herbicides and pesticides, and can be used for crop coolingin temperature sensitive crops such as corn.

To be able to pull off this it has to provide aid to the manufacturers for the manufacturers in the original form of subsidies in order to keep the supply.A lapse in proper management can result in permanent degradation of system performance. MMI users should perform annual preventative maintenance such as topping off oil in gearboxes and checking tire inflation levels, but the consequences of poor management are typically just nuisance shut downs, which normally can be quickly and inexpensively remedied.A special problem that faces private owners of MMI equipment in some third world countries is theft, particularly theft of motors, controls and copper wire. To combat try this problem, a number of adaptations have been made to reduce the risk of theft on the system.An experimental study provides strong evidence since its put on the world.Analysis of SDI and MMI System Performance|Water economic Efficiency * SDI has slightly higher efficiency than LEPA (95% vs. 90-95%) in resear ch installation. * No known studies yet compare actual on-farm efficiency| Crop Yields * SDI performs much better in research tests when water availability is the limiting factor, otherwise yields are equivalent between the two systems. * Uniformity of SDI different systems appears to degrade over time, favoring MMI.

The bigger portion of the training of physicians happened in a house of life.* MMI systems have long lives (25 few years on average). SDI can have a life of 10-15 years if proper maintenance is performed. * Ongoing maintenance costs of SDI are 3-5 times higher than MMI.* Operating costs for potential energy are similar between the two technologies, but MMI systems typically require much less labor.Such endeavors can function to the expansion of areas.| Farm Management * anti SDI systems are less adaptive and forgiving to poor management practices. * Theft is an issue for mechanized systems in some third world markets. * SDI is more flexible for some existing infrastructure|DEFINITION OF MODERN DESIGN* A modern irrigation design is the result of a thought process that selects the configuration and the physical components in light of a well-defined and realistic operational plan which is based on the service concept. * Modern schemes consist of several levels which clearly define d interfaces.

* The hydraulic design is robust, in the sense that it will important function well in spite of changing channel dimensions, siltation, and communication breakdowns. Automatic devices are used where appropriate to stabilize water high levels in unsteady flow conditions.ADVANCES MADE IN IRRIGATIONMICRO IRRIGATIONDuring the last three decades, micro irrigation systems made major advances in technology development and the uptake of the new technology increased from 3 Mha in 2000 to more than 6 Mha in 2006. Micro-irrigation is an irrigation method that applies water slowly to the roots of plants, by depositing the water either on the soil surface or directly to the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and pure emitters (see Figure below).B. House at Colorado State University succeeded in applying water to the root zone of plants without raising the water table. Perforated pipe was introduced in Germany in the 1920s and in 1934; O.E.Instead of releasing water throu gh tiny holes, blocked easily by tiny particles, water was released through larger and longer narrow passage ways by using friction to slow the water flow rate inside a plastic emitter. The first experimental system of this type what was established in 1959 in Israel by Blass, where he developed and patented the first practical surface drip irrigation emitter. The Micro-sprayer concept was developed in South Africa to contain the dust on mine heaps. From here much more advanced developments took place to use it as a method to apply water to mainly agricultural crops.Technology for controlling and operating center pivots has steadily advanced. Kranz et al. (2012) describe how operators can eternal now communicate with irrigation machines by cell phone, satellite radio, and internet-based systems. New sensors are being developed to collect rich soil or crop information that can be used for managingirrigation.

Finally, Martin et al. (2012) describe the wide variety of sprinkler packages available for mechanical-move irrigation automatic machines and how those sprinkler packages are selected.Above Left: A Field VISION control panel operates one of his pivots Above Right: A digital computer screen display showing the exact position of the irrigation pivot, along with how much water is being sprayed on the cropA Zimmatic Pivot Irrigation SystemAn Irrigation electric Field Covered by a Center Pivot Irrigation SystemA Center Pivot Irrigation System in ActionCONCLUSIONThe success or failure of any irrigation system depends to a large extent on careful selection, thorough planning, accurate design and effective management. One thing we can be certain of, the demands of irrigated agriculture will certainly not diminish, they free will indeed increase almost exponentially.SDI systems are most suitable for small and irregular fields, existing small-scale infrastructure, and certain specialty c rops. These innovative technologies require significant investment. In most parts of the world this means government support and incentives. Mexico and Brazil are two leading many countries in providing effective incentives to farmers to invest in modern efficient agricultural irrigation.REFERENCESEnglish, M.J., K.H.A paradigm shift in irrigation management. J. Irrig. Drain.

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